VIC & ASSOCIATE is an established organization in Ikeja and into product making like Soap, Perfumes, Shoe polish etc.
The company is also into offering business solutions to the society.
The company is looking for fresh and vibrant graduates to fill the available positions:
1. Accountants
2. Marketers
3. Admin department
4. Human resources (Assistant)
5. Sales reps
6. Secretary
7. Office clerk
8. Cashiers
9. Computer operator
10. Securities
11. Store keeper
12. Public relations officer

Remuneration is very attractive with other incentives
Qualification: OND, HND, B.Sc in any related discipline.
Method of application: Interested applicants should forward their C.V. to [email protected]
Shortlisted candidates will be notified for interview.
Application deadline is 2 weeks from advert.