If you’re still jobless or underemployed, you’re probably making these five mistakes. Check yourself and make corrections so that you can land a good job quickly. Mistake #1: Focus on one method only Some jobseekers focus on posting their CVs on online job boards only, others only respond to newspaper adverts, while others stick only with networking. An effective job search is one that combines several methods. Mistake #2: Send the same CV to every job opening This is actually laughable. CVs must address the needs and wants of employers, it must address the requirements of the position in question to secure an interview and ultimately help you win a job. Failure to do so is a costly mistake. One-size-fits-it-all CVs are not cutting it anymore. Mistake #3: Send your CV in your email box instead of MS Word Many jobseekers make this mistake. Instead of sending their CVs in the standard MS Word or the format stipulated by recruiters, they copy and it in their email compose box. Employers always specify that CVs be sent in Ms Word. Ensure you always follow their instructions. Mistake #4: Fail to follow up Who says you should not follow up? 99% of jobseekers I know don’t follow up. They believe that if employers had seen their CVs and fell in love with them, they would have been called for interview. Big mistake! Gently follow up if you’re using networking method or responding to advert in the newspaper, TV or radio. Also follow up if you’re using a career agency. Mistake #5: Lack of strategy Because of the ease of applying for jobs today, most jobseekers just apply for jobs the way others are doing it, then they sit back and wonder why they are still jobless. They know nothing about the methods that are working and what the statistics are saying. They know nothing about the realities and dynamics of today’s job market. Listen, today’s jobs belong to strategic jobseekers. I recommend you get my absolutely free report: “The Job-Getting Blueprint” where I reveal the strategy that if you follow will land you a job quickly even if you implement it wrongly! You can download it for FREE at http://www.winningbooks.net/blueprint