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Topic: Give me your attention and get #100,000 in return. Do we have a DEAL?

  1. #1
    Newbie OnlinePro's Avatar
    Join Date
    Mar 2012

    Give me your attention and get #100,000 in return. Do we have a DEAL?

    Do I have your attention? I hope so.
    Hi there,
    I am a Nigerian, alias OnlinePro, a student in a prestigious Nigerian University, an Information Marketer and Internet money maker.
    A few years ago, I sat down and looked at Nigeria at large. The result of this was that I got SCARED. With over a BILLION inhabitants, a lot of questions ran through my head. Questions like:

    • What would happen when I graduate?
    • How would I achieve my dreams?
    • Can I compete with the first class graduates in terms of job search?
    • I don't have any contacts, where will I start from?
    • How long will I depend on the country's income?
    • How much money will I have at 40?

    Well, TWO YEARS later, here's the situation:

    • I'm three months away from graduation.
    • I'm already achieving my dreams.
    • I don't have to compete with FIRST CLASS graduates.
    • I don't need contacts.
    • I don't depend on Nigeria's income but the world.
    • I have more money than my RICH grand dad had at 40.

    How did this happen?
    Well, one thing I know is that it wasn't luck.
    Can you guess where I work?
    You guessed right, on the INTERNET and it pays very well too.

    "A man's wealth is not defined by how much money he has but how many income streams he can maintain."

    I'm not a victim of Get Rich Quick schemes; I worked HARD, really HARD. But the harder I worked, the EASIER it got.

    One month ago, I started out on what is now one of my fastest income streams so far. I gave it my attention and what did I get? #100,000 in TWO WEEKS!
    I did not want to let out this little secret, but because of graduates like YOU and potential ones like me, for whom job search is not an option, I just had to.

    So, do I have your attention now? I guess so.
    Being that I'm very secretive, I can't put my little secret here. To access it, just view this download link: http://www.mediafire.com/?nu3yioyniwh3779

    Don't worry, the page loads fast and the material is light so it won't take much of your data bundle.
    If you can’t access the download link, just drop your email address as a comment to this post and I’ll send it to you as an attachment.

    The secret comes in two packages. The first one is in the link you're about to click which is completely FREE. The second one is with me. After giving that ebook your FULL ATTENTION, you would be able to contact me for the second package. Just in case you're wondering, it's FREE too.
    Before you click through, can you do me a favour?
    Help me convert $5 to Naira. FOREX rates change so rapidly that sometimes, it gets me confused.

    Thanks and hope to hear your success story.

  2. #2
    Senior Member talk2beyjay's Avatar
    Join Date
    Sep 2011

    Re: Give me your attention and get #100,000 in return. Do we have a DEAL?

  3. #3
    Senior Member elbucho's Avatar
    Join Date
    Dec 2011

    Re: Give me your attention and get #100,000 in return. Do we have a DEAL?

    $5 is currently N800. Pls mail me the info at [email protected]

  4. #4
    Senior Member henosag concepts's Avatar
    Join Date
    Aug 2010
    lagos stste

    Re: Give me your attention and get #100,000 in return. Do we have a DEAL?

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