The beauty of Persona Profiling is that everyone already knows how to create, use and abuse it. We all use profiling on a daily basis. We change our profile all the time, depending on the mood that we’re in when we’re happy or sad, angry, quiet, or just relaxed. We all change our profile to suit our circumstances. We create a different profile to deal with our work or run our business. We create a separate profile to meet fellow parishioners at our place of worship. We create a profile of a parent to teach our child how to bat a baseball or prepare her for a piano recital. We create a social profile to meet our buddies at the pub or go to a singles dance.Most of us who worship inside a church or are part of a religious congregation will assemble once a week to attend a service. Have you ever noticed something different about the people around you when you are in that environment? Think for example of the church goer who has a totally different &#82
We All Know How to Create a New Persona Profile!