Attracting CranioSacral clients is much easier when you realize marketing is not about selling. It’s about building relationships that lead to a sense of trust.How do you do that? The same way you develop any worthwhile relationship: By having great conversations.When a marketing conversation is in written form, like a web page, an article or a brochure, it’s called “copy.”Here are 5 rules should keep in mind whenever you write copy. They’ll help you create a deeper connection with your readers. And that connection ignites the trust that leads them to your door.Rule 1: Put Your Reader First in Your MessageWhenever you sit down to write, imagine you’re speaking to only one person sitting right there in your office.What are her challenges? What is she struggling with? What will her life finally feel like when she’s enjoying the results your therapy offers?Every word you write should
CranioSacral Therapists - 5 New Rules For Writing Client-Compelling Copy