Are you an employee tied of Applying or Looking for Jobs?, Are you currently working with a company and not satisfied with the Job Situation or Monthly Salary? , we at GuageConcepts have looked closely into the current Unemployment situatation in the Country and have designed a quick solution to end the rate of unemployment in Nigeria society,

We have database and direct contact of HR Departments and Direct Available vacancies in various business sectors such as Manufacturing, Oil and Gas, Maritime Sectors, Financial Sectors, Telecommunication Sectors, Travel and Tourism, Medical and Health Sector, Food and Beverages Sector, Fashion and Style Sector, Educational Sector, Agricultural Sector and Agencies.

We provide a Professional Services to Current Employees and Unemployed Individuals, Graduates, etc, see below our Turnkey Employability Services

Our Cv Blasting Services consist of Blasting your CV, including Cover Letter to maximum of 20,000 Direct E-mail Contacts of HR and Current Vacancies in your desired Business sector

A. 1000 CV + COVER LETTER BLASTING (CV Writing Inclusive) (N2,500)

B. 5000 CV + COVER LETTER BLASTING (CV Writing Inclusive) (N8,500)

C. 10,000 CV + COVER LETTER BLASTING (CV Writing Inclusive) (N15,500)

D. 20,000 CV + COVER LETTER BLASTING (CV Writing Inclusive) (N22,500)

Our Hard Copy Cv Submission Services consist of Submitting your CV by hand including Cover Letter to maximum of 500 Companies Directly to HR and Current Vacancies in your desired Business sector

A. 20 CV + COVER LETTER SUBMISSION (CV Writing Inclusive) (N2,500)

B. 50 CV + COVER LETTER SUBMISSION (CV Writing Inclusive) (N5,000)

C. 100 CV + COVER LETTER SUBMISSION (CV Writing Inclusive) (N8,500)

D. 200 CV + COVER LETTER SUBMISSION (CV Writing Inclusive) (N15,500)

E. 500 CV + COVER LETTER SUBMISSION (CV Writing Inclusive) (N35,500)

Our Success Rate

The Success rate of our Direct Bulk CV Submission Service from our Previous Applicants as increased from 60% to 80% this year, many candidates are still recieving calls and interview appointments even while currently recruited, we make sure we blast or submit your CV to those Companies that urgently need an applicant, we surely guarantee that you will be recruited within 5 - 10 days of CV Submission

For more enquiries on how to Submit your CV visit:
Telephone: 07052017052