WELL DRILING AND COMPLETION MANUAL FOR DRILLING ENGINEER, MECHANICAL, GEOLOGIST, CIVIL, PETROLEUM AND RESERVIOR ENGINEERING GRADUATE/ JOBSEEKERS. This is a comprehensive Manual that emphasized areas such as Well Development, Well design, Maintenance, and Construction, Bore Hole Logging, and Geophysical analysis. The Manual is Important to the following areas of Engineering: Petroleum, Chemical, Mechanical, Geologist, Geophysicists, Civil, Drilling Engineers, All Engineering incline Jobseekers. Manual Details: *Well Drilling and Completion (650Pgs). *Well Development 1 & 2. *Well Procedure and Terminology. *Well Drilling Problem (Pipe Stocking, Borehole Caving, Excessive Fluid loss, Drill Bit Jamming, Well Stops Producing Water). *Drilling Fluid Function. NB: The following oil servicing/Drilling companies are in needs of Geologist/Mech, Chemical Petroleum, Civil, Reservoir, Drilling Engineers that has little knowledge on well Drilling/ Completion. 1. Hobark International Limited(www.hobarkintl.com) 2. Lone star Drilling Nigeria 3. Parker Drilling Nigeria 4. Africa Petroleum oilfield Services(APOS) After getting the copy of the manuals, you will be instructed how to modify your CV, and then submitted to companies. With this you have a chance to be call for Job Interview. To request for Soft copy, payment should be made to: UBA AC NO: 00680520036347 AC NAME: UDOH KENNETH FEE: #3,000.00 (THREE THOUSAND NAIRA ONLY) Immediately confirmation of payment is made, materials will be sent to payee Email address. OR COME WITH YOUR FLASH OR LAPTOP TO OUR OFFICE: Geoken Engineering Services @ 26, Ikotun/Idimu Road, Kazam Plaza, Suite 15, College Bus Stop Opposite Afri Bank, Ikotun, Lagos. TEL: 08060360538, 08028553955 EMAIL: [email protected]