In recent times, the demand for CCNA & CCNP professionals and allied courses has been on the increase. The relevance of these professionals can never be over-emphasized.
I returned from India (the home of i.t, where I studied four (4) courses including CCNA & CCNP) with original DVDs of Train Signal-CCNA(CCENT & ICND2). This dvd is an unpiratable video tutorial on CISCO Networking. It cost $320 (google it), but as a certified graduate of Compufield Institute, India, I was able to acquire them relatively cheaper. I sold each for #30,000 to help my people and it remains less than 20 copies.
I have decided to establish a foundation to assist Nigerian people in I.T. One of the ways to demostrate this is by organising training seminar on Cisco Networking for FREE.
DATE: March 17, 2012.
TIME: 10 am – 12 noon (No African Time)
67, agege motor road, isale-oja, Agege, Lagos State. (between Mr biggs & Zenith bank)
REQUIREMENTS: #5000 only for the video (compulsory)
Your PC (optional)
My dear friends, with this video, you can achieve the same you could when paying about #100,000 to these renowned schools. I guarantee you!
BONUS: My partnering firm, Gold band technologies Ltd. will be giving out 5 videos of “how to design & publish websites in an hour” to the first 5 participants.
For seat reservation, send your name, gender, e-mail address and phone number to 08122281460 on/before Thursday, march 15.
NOTE: Am not asking you to pay into any account because I want to protect your financial confidence and trust-worthiness.
Thanks for your time, we’ll meet on Saturday.