Every individual who wants to go into either online or offline business needs a mentor to become what he/she has the energy and capacity to do,to achieve it, and posses what he/she wants in life.A mentor will not only render an assistance to you but will also help you shape your vision and make you fulfil your aims.Every person is loaded with lots of stuff and virtues,either known or unknown but a mentor will help you succeed and get you on the right track.For intance,a person who want to go into business and make some money for himself and his family must have some knowledge about the business and also an experience person in the same areas of his business either online or offline.To get some information about business visit here What mentor does 1.A mentor looks beyond your skin to discover the real you2. A mentor access your attitude,zeal and potentials to excel in the line of business 3.A mentor believes strongly in you4.A mentor see you and and assist you5.A mentor solves your fears and weakness and gives you strenght and hope to excel6.A mentor guides you base on his/her experience,characters,skill and feedback7. A mentor inspires confidence and courage to excel even in your decision or businessRead more here http://www.earnonlineng.com/2012/02/who-is-mentor.html