I'm a great advocate of network marketing, but it's high time we started investing and re-investing in our country, lots of other companies we hear of on the internet are foreign and our money goes into their economy.
Now tell me what effect that will have on us as a people.
To God be the Glory, this particular program here is aimed to better our economy and foster good relationship amongst individuals here in our country.
Send me Ur email so that I might send U some copies of various foreign companies here in Nigeria who does marketing and U compare their compensation plan with what we have here.
They give us mere peanuts as 0compared to our sign-up fees (hence, looting us).
Well with EFL, all that is going to change, which means:
Better opportunity for every Nigerian Youth
Job and wealth creation
And Unlimited opportunities...
Come on-board today.
Send me your Email addresses for the compensation plan and how this works!
Have a great day!!!