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Topic: If you don't need financial stability, don't bother to even read this.

  1. #1
    Newbie akdami's Avatar
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    May 2012

    If you don't need financial stability, don't bother to even read this.

    Hello and complements of the season.

    Concerning those things you needed: a great source of income, access to no-collateral loans, lots of leisure time, happiness and self-fulfillment..... these are currently as easy as they can get for you!

    Having financial bouyancy allows you to own your tastefully furnished personal apartment, a choice car (or better yet, fleet of cars), parcels of land, being your own Boss so no one pushes you around and best of all, real oppurtunity to manage your time better. It means you will have sufficient quality time with loved ones and family members so, you can choose to go on vacation anytime and you won't have to try avoiding rush-hour traffic every business day by getting out of bed as early as 3.45a m as some people do! You are simply your own Boss!

    Self fulfillment comes from being able to be who you really wanted to be; doing those things you have always wanted to do and living a truly fulfilling life without some so called Boss bullying you around and most importantly, you are liberated to a higher level, away from the rat-race of a poverty stricken lifestyle .

    MIVEPA Empowerment brings you a special program called meCnet that helps you quickly realize your set goals and bring your dreams to life.

    meCnet provides you an avenue for more income while also serving as a gateway to no-collateral loans.
    If you truly need financial bouyancy, EXTRA SOURCE OF INCOME, more leisure time, happiness, ability to complete dream your projects, begin or expand your business through access to NO COLLATERAL LOANS etc?
    Then, the things you want are right currently at your doorstep!

    Find out: See Page
    Your affiliate link: http://mivepa-empowerments.capnix.co...netid=81b8d201

    meCnet works on the principle of contribution networking.

    To understand how meCnet works, first you will need to understand how native contribution system works.

    In native settings, a thrift program called 'Ajo' / 'Eesu' / 'Esusu' (Contribution) allows individuals to come together as a group and save little tokens called contributions into a joint purse.
    The way the cumulative contributions available in the joint purse are disbursed or utilized may be different from place to place but the bottom line is that such resultantly larger sums are utilized to effect greater financial liberation in the life of the members.

    But there are usually some problems encountered in Native Contribution Systems:
    1. Some members default/disappoint in the weekly/monthly contributions owing to financial problems
    2. One (1) member gets the lump sum at a time, usually on a one-member-per-month rotational basis
    3. The benefiting member often absconds with the lump sum without fulfilling his/her total obligations to the group
    4. The group head sometimes fail the members thereby creating various levels of chaos in the system

    MIVEPA Empowerment, however, brings you a different type of contribution system that is far superior to the native type outlined above.

    MIVEPA's Superb type has a lot of benefits you won't find elsewhere:
    1. It doesn't have any of the problems associated with the native method outlined above
    2. You will contribute just ONCE: not monthly, not weekly, and not daily but just the first time you joined
    3. You can choose to join with just N5,000 or N10,000 or N20,000: Three membership types available: Silver, Gold, Platinum
    4. The moment you join, N4,000 sign-up bonus is automatically deposited in your account
    5. Before your lump sum is ready, you can obtain a NO COLLATERAL LOAN to support your business or project, as a member
    6. When your lump sum is ready, you should smile home or to the bank with N1.6M or N3.2M or N6.5M depending on your membership level
    7. You can increase your lump sum payment value by increasing your membership levels or by re-entering several times as you wish
    8. You are the Master of your own income generating mechanism on this system; you have all the time in the world to do what you wish.

    Curious about what system I am talking about?
    I am talking about the miraculous contribution system which is also an income generating mechanism powered by MIVEPA Empowerments called meCnet.
    meCnet stands for MIVEPA Empowerments Contribution Networking.

    meCnet allows you to enjoy a high level of financial bouyancy while also allowing you to live a better much more satisfying life-style.

    The most wonderful thing about meCnet contribution system is that you contribute just once during your membership registration process and there is no other payment to be made by you except to start harvesting your first Millions in real cash! You are even granted no-collateral loans as a member!

    Want to see? Visit
    Your affiliate link: http://mivepa-empowerments.capnix.co...netid=81b8d201

    Should you have questions or need to find out more, you are welcome to contact MIVEPA Empowerments.

    Please, be kind enough to forward this wonderful news (this email) to friends on your email contact list, Mobile address book, facebook etc.

    See you at the top

    Email: [email protected]
    Tel: 07056124139

    Your affiliate link: http://mivepa-empowerments.capnix.co...netid=81b8d201

  2. #2
    Newbie drhum's Avatar
    Join Date
    May 2014

    Re: If you don't need financial stability, don't bother to even read this.

    I'll be trying this one out and see how it goes.

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