Whereas the HMO alternative is no more new in Nigeria, many providers are still having compliance problems due to poor communication and understanding of the scheme. In order to bridge this gap, continuous education and interaction between the HMOs and the PROVIDERS is important. The more we operate at the same wave length, the smoother the relationship will be. This timely forum is designed to help in facilitating this objective.
1) Understanding the HMO scheme
2) ,, the billing procedure
3) HMO and the Provider Doctors liaison
4) HMO schemes and their limitations
5) The HMO helpdesk
6) Enrollees update and the issue of travelers
7) Permission to treat and the use of codes
Importance of compliance
9) Payment and co-payment
10) Questions

OUTCOME: At the end of this forum, participants would be more appreciative of each others role and conflicts will be minimised and compliance enhanced.
FOR WHOM: HMOs and their Providers
DATE: August 7, 2010
VENUE): The Avenue Hotel, Musa Yar'adua Street, Victoria Island
FEE: Ten thousand Naira per participant
Call Godwin on 018179019 or Francisca on 07064439260 for booking. Email contact: [email protected]. You can also go to www.gifrafem.com/emagazine for details.