Its high time we started redirecting our thoughts, Nigeria's form of economy is gradually leaving the certificate form of employment to the industrial form of employment. you will agree with me that most firms now need the experienced workers of not less than five (5) years. where do the fresh graduates get the experiences from since they have not worked before? take the bull by the horn and reshape your life. no matter your level of qualification, you can start somewhere because their are various sectors of the economy that have been neglected but they yield more than you can ever imagine. it will cost you little or nothing to take that bold step.

The jobs are not available but you can create one for yourself. Stam oil will not take a dime from you to give you knowledge; but don't forget that no knowledge is a waste.

If you are interested in working for yourself and making cool cash afterward, just send your C.V, your phone no. and your e.mail to;
[email protected]
(In case you don't have a prepared C.V, you can send your other details as a corper.)
this is just an invitation to the few that need to get themselves busy. your discipline is never a barrier to this invitation. this also can serve as a direct application to stamoil and gas company.

NOTE; applicants must be residential in LAGOS.