Viral Computers Inc
An Indegineous Nigerian SOFTWARE COMPANY Located in Lagos .
Vino Banking Professional - The Newly Improved Most Effective Software For MicroFinance Banks
Vino Banking was introduced into the Nigerian Market in 2006 to the then community banks.Now 3 Years after,viral computers inc is really hitting the MicroFinance Bank's Market with the Superb multi - Feature Vino Banking Professional .
Vino Banking Professional: This Software Computerises all operations in the MicroFinance Banks and as an indigenous software it can always be customised to meet all the individual activities of your MicroFinance Bank.Vino Banking Professional can be installed over a wide network and has no limit of users at any particular time.
The Existing Modules Includes : Savings , Withdrawals , Banking , Bank's Expenses Module , Asset Management , Loan Management , Staff Payroll , General Ledger - chart of account , journal entry , edit and approval , balance upload , transaction listing , trial Balance , Profit and Loss , Balance Sheet , Cheque Security and Control, COT, Overdraft Facility, Cash Officer and Max Withdrawal Module e.t.c
Vino HR + Manpower , Interest Declaration , Statement of Account and Customer's Ledger , Special Savings and Loans , Security , Log Trail , Transaction Trail , Database Backup e.t.c and unlimited Query Reports of all these Modules.
The Vino Banking Professional is described as a whole complete package that completely takes care of all existing and yet to be existing challenges of a growing MicroFinance Bank.
The Vino HR + Manpower is a new software product of Viral Computers and it handles the HR Problems effectively.It serves as a 24hr monitor of all staffs and gathers information of the staff's job description and challenges to the HR Desk from time to time.
Other Extras Includes : Vino Messenger (Chatting and Communication) , Vino Calender , Vino Alarm and Reminder , Vino Timer Update, EFASS Auto Generating Report e.t.c
Viral Computers Can Boast of the Effectiveness and Uniqueness of the Software to a long list of Bank's currently using our different Version of the Vino Banking Software.
We also provide 4 Months free system support and Maintenance to all our client's and with Vino Banking Professional you can always add new Features to meet your Bank's needs now and in the nearest future.
We are ready to give a comprehensive details and Demo of the Vino Banking Professional to administer your confidence in this softwares.
You can also send your enquiry messages to [email protected]. or call 08060575600 or 08025266566
Akinwunmi Akinsola
Viral Computers Inc