Can you create a plot that will take viewers to a whole new world of excitement, suspense and thrill? Can you create characters that viewers can relate with, share their passion and emotions, fall in love with, detest, hate or idolize? Have you got the words to tell a story vividly and with imagery, and set the emotions flowing from your viewers? Can you make your viewers laugh, cry, mourn, celebrate, and stay on the edge of their seat?

Then this is your chance to show your stuff!

An international organization is seeking to select a team of talented and creative writers to work on a project that will be adapted for television. Entries are invited from creative Nigerians writers who wish to be part of this project. The selection process is in two phase as follows:


Interested writers should submit;
I. An original and well written story.
II. A screenplay of the story which should not be more than twenty movements/scenes.
III. A signed affidavit stating that the story is an original work of the writer and that he/she has full copy rights (scanned).
IV. A short resume of the writer showing personal information, education, and writing history/credits if any.
V. The writer’s name and the title of the manuscript must be clearly written as header on every page of all documents submitted. Documents must be submitted as word attachments to an email. The subject of the mail should be “SCREEN WRITING SUBMISSION: Title of your story.”


I. Successful entrants from Phase One will be notified and invited for a writing conference where the best writers will be selected. Entrants must be willing to attend the writing conference wherever it holds, if they are successful in the first phase.

All submissions should be sent to: [email protected] or all submissions enclosed appropriately in sized envelop should be sent to: 15 Lungi street, Wuse II, Abuja not later than 31st Dec. 2011.

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