Yes! You Can Now Be Part Of Millionaires Of Our Generation.

My Dear,

Before you embark on the search for money, please, sit down to reflect on what you really want to use it for when it comes.

So, the first question I will ask you now is, have you sat down to think and plan for how to use the little money at your disposal right now?

Wealth is not money, true wealth is invisible. Money is just a visible means of measuring the quality and quantity of the perceived value given and received. That you do not have money in your pocket or bank account doesn’t mean that you are not wealthy, it could be as a result of lack of financial wisdom on how to manage and multiply the little money that you already have now.

Do you know that, if you have some money right now and you are not wealthy, you could eventually lose the money you presently have because, money agrees with R.Kelly-I Believe I Can Fly, that is, money has wings to fly away from you, when you don’t have financial wisdom to manage it very well or properly.

In this E-Book, the ways of how to become part of millionaires of our generation,
that has over 100 Hot Money-Making And Financial Empowerment Topics, what I present to you are not mine. But, I used them, and I am still using them because; I found my financial breakthrough applying some of the laws and principles that we are about to discuss right now.

Most of these laws and principles are probably common knowledge but not common practice among so many Nigerians. These laws and principles have no flaws because; they are from the E-Book of wisdom in the centre of the E-Book of all E-Books.

Are You Ready? Let’s Ride!

1. Close Your Mouth And Open Your Eyes.
So many people live to satisfy only their stomach. So many empty their wallets into their belly forgetting that the destination of such investment is the sewage.

He that keeps his mouth closed keeps his life, but he that opened wide his mouth uncontrolled appetite for foods and drinks shall have destruction in the end when he will have more mouths to feed-wife and children.

My Dear Beloved, before your money comes, please, have a vision or plan for it. A genuine vision on how to use part of it to increase your income. If you don’t have a plan yet, please, save part of your money because, a part of all you earn is yours to keep.

2. Diligence Make Fat.
Ask yourself, do I have mere wishes to be financial rich or I desire to be?
The proof of desire is pursuit! How much do you desire to have in your bank account after 6 months? What are you willing to do to make it happen? How much money do you need to start with? What extra service can you render to get that extra money?

Common, sit down to think! It’s those who ponder that become a wonder!
Remember that, the soul of the sluggard-A very lazy and mentally idle person desire, but has nothing. But the soul of the diligence will be made fat.

3. There Is Never A Wrong Way To Do A Right Thing Or A Right Way To Do A Wrong Thing.
You can make good money the right way in Nigeria. It’s not everyone that is corrupt in this country. This is one of the core purposes of this write-up to rebrand the mindset of our fellow Nigerians.

Please, let us now stop thinking like people who have a covenant with poverty because, we don’t!
The poorest way to make money is to cheat another person just to have paper money.
Poverty is not a citizen of Nigeria. The new Nigerian spirit will not celebrate liars, money doublers, 419ners and runs girls etc.

These are all silly ways to make money. The little money right now in your pocket is not a measure of your true value, so why allow it to discourage you from thinking of right ways to multiply value because, you will always have more money in your bank account, when you do so.

4. Spend Less And Earn More.
Poor people buy what they see rich people buy thinking that, this is what makes the rich people rich not knowing that the secret of the rich man is not in his bank account but in his heart account-his mindset.

My Dearest, eating in a fast food outlet to impress your friends or hot ladies will make your money to disappear so fast and leaves you hurt and heart-broken.

So, why buying the N100 bottled water when your pocket can only afford N10 sachet water remember that with, N20 you can buy 2 sachets and be more satisfied. Why crave to buy a handset of N40, 000 while your monthly income is N10, 000. Don’t you think that, you need a re-orientation or a new mindset?

My Dear, please, let me stop here for now and leave you with this portion from the (Holy Bible in Hosea Chapter 4 verse 6) that says, people perish because of lack of knowledge. And remember also that, Knowledge is all about information and information rule the whole wide World and the different between you and others is what you know more than them.

For more information on how you can get the E-Book that has over 100 Hot Money-Making And Financial Empowerment Topics, that will change your financial life for good because, it did changed mine for better, please, call me on 08032059110.
E-mail Address: [email protected] OR

Thanks. From Tony.