Can you imagine having all the dumps needed for your career certifications and having the time to study to perfection. That is mission very possible, with all that you need you will be too focussed to pass.

Send mail to : [email protected] or call 234-7036533884

Any dump you want, if available and not sold out, will be made ready, once 5k payment have been made to:

GTB bank
Acct. Holder: Azumara Michael Nnamdi
Acct. Number: 532582387110

The moment payment is confirmed, before the end of the day, a download link, will be given to the person, interms of .rar, pdf or vce file depending on the format of choice.

Note CCIER's should take note of the migration form 3.1 version to 4.1 version by 18th October 2009. Every dump and update will bear CCIE blueprint 4.1 version, with the new study contents.

Why border much about it , when someone is bent on making things easier for you, am a ccie and thus i no what am talking about and know what you go through to get the materials you need on time to prepare well for your dream certifications.

Just a click and you are on your way downloading what might cost you much and time................... @ your finger tips.

I also arrange and hold training of different kinds for aspiring ccna's, ccnp's, networker's, ccie's, cwna's, corporate bodies or private/executives etc Have you ever handled the equipment before or feared getting it damaged because of ignorance, sign up with me if within Enugu for now or seek for study guides and i will be of help. Just for a token fee of 5k for the study guides and labs. Training range:

CCNA - 30k

ISCW- 35k
ONT- 35k

CWNA - 30k


CCIE-Written - 50k
Lab - 50k

Make your choice and catch a glimpse of a new look. Book up with me and let me separate theory from practical in your very eyes.