Get a Free CCNA/CCNP Training when you register in our Microwave/Optics Transmission program,or Vice Versa.Our training program is for engineers pursuing the Telecoms and ICT courses like CCNA and Cisco Certified Network Professional (CCNP) certification. This course would help you to prepare you for the latest ROUTE, SWITCH and TSHOOT exams. CCNA and Cisco Certified Network Professional (CCNP) Helps you to Configure, Install, verify and troubleshoot LAN and WAN enterprise networks. We also have Trainers with experience in VOIP, wireless, Microwave, DWDM and Fiber. We have equipment like Harris Stratex 155, Ericsson mini-link, Optix RTN 600 series etc. We also haveTejas Optical Add/Drop Multiplexers that can help you to learn pure transmission from E1 level to STM16 level. Call Us on 08037676772,08121680700 or 08188267100.You can still Send a mail to [email protected]