gudday forumites.there's this part-time work-at-home job(its actually work-at-anywhere,not just home) that pays much more than most of the white collar jobs graduates run after and literally worship,even some master degree holders.its actually an online job with a U.S. firm that pays as much as $1200 weekly...yes,weekly!
the time spent on this job is about 2hrs daily,where you get to do some skilled tasks for them,so you need some bit of training to effectively do this business.but not to worry,i got that covered for you as i have compiled a step-by-step training manual(in soft copy)that can be understood by even a jss1 student,all to help you through this.the websites of these online firms that recruit online staff have also been outlined as well as mode of registration in this training kit.payment is made through paypal(for non-nigerians),liberty reserve,and also cheque(you will need a domicilliary account for this sort of payment).for more on this and how to get it and start working for any of these firms as early as monday,feel free to mail me at [email protected]. you can as well text or call 08135242346 for more info