Discover how to be self-empowered By this our new affordable website Designer Software fully automated and easy to use onces fully install even a lay man that have little experience can make use of it . Let me explain really quickly,What this software can do for you
1.Design web pages
2.Create Site Maps
3.Build Links Pages
4.FTP Files up to the internet
5.Make Sure that pages are optimized for the search engines
6.Allow you to add powerful script into your site.
7 Create Menus and lot more .
It is a software program that runs on your home computer. This is different from content management systems (CMS) like a Wordpress blog or SiteBuildIt / SiteSell. With those tools, the sites are developed in your browser online (like through Firefox, Internet Explorer, Safari or Opera). With web development tools like about the software is that , you have unlimited control to how your site will look and be managed.
One thing that I liked a lot about this software is how it walks you through the site building process step-by-step. When you first start, it asks you the simple, but important questions like your site name, description, keywords, etc.
From here, is my favorite part: The Templates. This is where Software really impressed me. You can first choose your template type:
And notice that the templates look GOOD! They are professional, graphical and very clean looking. (You can customize them rather simply under the Page Layout Manager, but it is not required in most cases). But the best part is that they not only give you the template, but they will provide an entire web site structure (including article pages, resource pages, news, etc.).
This removes some of the complexities of structuring your site and essentially GIVES you a canvas to simply start adding your content (whether it be text or media). You can very easily add or remove pages with a click of the mouse. (Again again, they spoon-feed you through each step).Beyond this, there are so many other cool features about this software. One that I particularly liked was its Page Analysis tool. For every page that is created, you can run a quick analysis which provides you any error information AND content analysis (including an SEO Report!):Other features that are mostly "point-and-click" include the ability to generate HTML Sitemaps, XML Sitemaps (for Google Spiders), Robots files, RSS Datafeeds and more.If you want to add Google Adsense, simply put in your account number and embed it with a click of the mouse.
And for affiliate marketers out there, there are some great affiliate link management tools and link cloaking functions that are built in. (The Amazon affiliate network is built-in, similar to the Adsense plug-in! Click Bank Plug-in).
So there is one part that still is a little "scary" for most, and that is the uploading process (that is getting your website from your computer onto your "server"). Having a server costs as little as $5/mo (you can read more about servers at my Hosting Reviews page). Once you choose a hosting company (server), they will give you the details to fill in the following form. You do that once. Then, all you need to do is select the "Publish Your Site" button. It is fairly simple. That is it! . You can secure your future with this little investment for life and be self empowered. To get it or Order for the amazing software with the licence key kindly call now 07040921566.The internet is a place for future investment you never can tell what next would be. call Now if your are really serious in genie investment for life on 07040921566 .The picture show you how the software look after installation .Get Your Own Website Design Software and Start Making Stable income this is no joke