There’s something attached to getting the right job with the right attitude!
Are you willing to be your own decision maker?
Have you always wanted to do 7 times more in your Business, Job, Career and Life?

Join over 60 Business Leaders in a conference coming up soon in Lekki Ajah

This prog. Is organized by BlueOcean Strategy Ltd. Tagged 7X conference this is an interactive platform that unveils the principles of aligning the right goals with the right actions that will help participants create and sustain success and achieve 7 times more in getting their dream jobs, business, career and life. The target audience includes: Business Leaders, Working Professionals, HR Specialists and Entrepreneurs.
Please, note that the link will become inactive as soon as the first 40 people have registered. OPPORTUNITIES WILL NEVER COME TO YOUR DOOR STEP AND KNOCK: YOU HAVE TO GET IT!!! Absolutely: FREE registration and There will be: 1. Keynote Speakers 2. Career Panelists 3. Business Panelists 4. Arts/Entertainment Panel
Contact: 08184413323 for date, time and venue (Calls Only)

Note: This advert is not attached to any agent

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