A company in the business of health maintenance and business Development activities is looking for qualified, self motivated individuals to fill the positions available within the company

Marketing Executives
Sales Personnel
Location: Lagos
Location: Lagos.

Successful applicants will carry out the following duties:

Follow-up on existing clients in an already made market
Source for new clients
Hold seminar presentations to educate and inform both individuals and groups of people on the product offering of the company
Follow-up on Leads and prospects lists already compiled

Job Requirements
Good communication skill set
A can-do attitude
Ability to work under minimal or no supervision
A first degree in any related field ( no marketing experience is required since adequate training will be given to successful applicants).
OND graduates may also apply.

Very attractive

Deadline: June 30, 2012
Method of Application
qualified applicants are to send cv to [email protected]
Send name, location, phone num, age, qualification and gender to 08025224305
A company in the business of health maintenance and business Development activities is looking for qualified, self motivated individuals to fill the positions available within the company

Marketing Executives
Location: Lagos.

Sales Personnel
Location: Lagos

Location: Lagos.

Successful applicants will carry out the following duties:

Follow-up on existing clients in an already made market
Source for new clients
Hold seminar presentations to educate and inform both individuals and groups of people on the product offering of the company
Follow-up on Leads and prospects lists already compiled

Job Requirements
Good communication skill set
A can-do attitude
Ability to work under minimal or no supervision
A first degree in any related field ( no marketing experience is required since adequate training will be given to successful applicants).
OND graduates may also apply.

Very attractive

Deadline: June 30, 2012
Method of Application
qualified applicants are to send cv to [email protected]
Send name, location, phone num, age, qualification and gender to 08025224305