Babcock University Teaching Hospital Recruits Medical Consultants (Numerous Positions)

The Babcock University Teaching Hospital (College of Health and Medical
Sciences) comprise of Schools of Medicine, Pharmacy, Nursing, Dentistry and
Public Health. In addition, it will provide facilities for a 750-bed Hospital
comprising of: 200-bed Children Hospital, 250-bed Women Hospital, and an Adult
Also, the College will include an African Medical Research Centre where
missionary-minded researchers shall render selfless services in finding
solutions to various diseases that are depreciating the value of health on the
African continent.
Applications are required from suitably qualified candidates for the following
Field: Paediatrics (preferably Neonatology), internal medicine (preferably
Gastroenerology, Cardiology, Nephrology), General Surgery, Orthopaedics, Family
Medicine/General Medical Practice, Radiology, Ophthalmology, Anaesthesia,
Otolaryngology, Dentistry, Haematology, Medical Microbiology, Chemical
Pathology, Histopathology.
Cadres: Professor/Reader, Senior Lecturer and Lecturer I.
Will lead a team of doctors in managing patients, teaching and mentoring younger
doctors and students and be a part in research and grant writing.
Fellowship of the Nigerian or West Africa postgraduate medical Colleges, or
its equivalent with evidence of excellent clinical skills
Ability to attract grant and lead research teams.
Current practising licence and registration with the Medical and Dental
Council of Nigeria (MDCN) and appropriate College of Fellowship.
NYSC certificate or certificate of exemption.
Application Closing Date
21st December, 2012
Method of Application
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