Quality British University Degrees – for less

Struggling with overseas University tuition fees?
Struggling to secure a visa?
Want to study at the heart of London?
Want to study in a world class University or business schools? Then talk to us

We also work with other Universities, University Colleges and Business Schools that offer fantastic value for money. Bsc & Msc courses in Finance, Marketing, Accounting, IT, Law, Nursing, Inter’l Relations Mgt, ACCA, CIMA, CFA etc are available.

Fees range from £3950 - £12,000. Partial scholarship available

Some of our schools include;
1. University of Bedfordshire
2. London South Bank University
  1. American InterContinental University, UK
  2. London School of Commerce (LSC)
  3. European School of Economics (ESE)
  4. London School of Accountancy and Management
  5. Alexander College, Canada
  6. American College, Cyprus
  7. University of Findlay, USA
  8. University of Debrecen, Hungary
Note: We also work with other schools not listed

Talk to any of our representatives in different states as we offer aspiring students guidance in choice of School, Courses and in obtaining their Admission and Visa.

Lagos Contact
Suite 914, 9th Floor, Western House, 8/10 Broad Street Marina, Lagos, Nigeria
Tel: 08026000745, 08082685191
UK Tel: +447574225624
Email: [email protected]