Mar 15th, 11, 02:54 pm #1
E-Chevening application form – Guidelines on how to complete the form
The Chevening awards are intended for outstanding graduates and young professionals with the potential to rise to senior and influential positions in the public or private sector, and who will be in a position to contribute to Nigeria’s social, economic and political future.
The Selection Board looks for candidates who can demonstrate that they are highly motivated, ambitious and able to demonstrate leadership potential, as well as attaining academic excellence.
1. Go to the web link https://www.chevening.fco.gov.uk/Che.../CA_Start.aspx
Please note that the site is designed for use with Microsoft IE 5.5 or above.
2. Before registering ensure you read the required notes and application conditions. You are required to enter your name and accept the application conditions before proceeding to the application form.
3. If you are a new user, you will need to Register and create a password. Note that fields are case sensitive. Following successful registration, you will be directed to the Log in page.
4. Log in and enter your details as requested. All sections with a red star are mandatory. You must have Nigerian nationality to be eligible to apply for a Chevening award in Nigeria.
5. Use the icons on the right hand side of the page to save changes, delete changes, complete sections or log out without making changes. Do not submit your form unless you are certain you have completed all sections.
6. In Contact Details enter your address, e-mail and phone numbers, in order for us to contact you with the results of your application.
7. In Education Information click on Academic background to enter all your academic qualifications obtained since completing your secondary education, stating the institutions attended, the main subjects of study and when the main courses started and finished. Start with the most recent then the older.
Whenever you finish a qualification and you want to add a new one, click on Add New Details. To save your last qualification entered, click Add new details and click OK to return to the main page
8. In Professional Background list all your positions and employments details since you completed your university education or employment that is relevant to your application. Start with the most recent. Whenever you finish a qualification and you want to add a new one, click on Add New Details. To save your last qualification entered click Add New Details and then click OK to return to the main page
9. In Proposed Course provide us with details of your chosen studies and preferred institutions (You can use the website: Education UK | Home to search or find a specific course at UK universities) You can list more than one course and university
10. In Other Information enter the names and details of 2 referees. Then click OK to return to the main page
11. Your Personal Statement is vital to your application. Please state in the space provided, why you wish to study in the UK, describe your reasons for applying for the course you wish to follow and explain how it will help you with the work you expect to do on your return to your home country; you should include an outline of your intended profession, your ambitions and your career plan. Describe also, your most outstanding non-academic achievement involving other people where you demonstrated leadership potential (you may describe an extra curricular/sport/community/professional activity or an assignment. The application form advises maximum number of words.
12. Once you have submitted your form you will not be able to make any amendments. Save a copy of your application form on your computer and print it for future reference.
13. Once you have completed all fields and all sub-screens click the Submit button to send your application. You will get a page that informs you that your application has been submitted
14. After the deadline, you will receive an e-mail which confirms receipt application and provides you with an application reference number.
General Information
1. English Language Requirements: IELTS is not a criterion for selection for interview, but it is helpful to know the level of English if an applicant is fortunate enough to be called for interview. IELTS is a requirement for entry into all UK universities
2. Do not wait for the outcome of the selection process to apply to the universities of your choice. Apply for the scholarship and to universities simultaneously.
Application process
1. The Foreign and Commonwealth Office (FCO) makes the final decision on applications for Chevening scholarships. Candidates are assessed on academic merit; achievements to date both in and outside of the academic and workplace areas; referees’ letters; proposed area of study and future career in line with the FCO priority areas; leadership potential and potential to further strengthen the UK-Israel bilateral relationship
2. References may be requested from the referees of candidates who are successful at the first selection stage. Candidates will also be required to bring the original reference letters and qualification certificates to the interview.
3. After interviews with the short-listed candidates are held, successful applicants will be notified
The Board’s decision is final and confidential and no appeals are considered. The British Council or British Embassy is unable to enter into any communications on any of the Selection Board’s decisions.
For complete information and deadline check Scholarships Visa
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