Its becoming highly unbecoming the amount of topics being posted here with urls leading to stale information or some totally irrelevant information that will leading you asking yourself,exactly why did i click this link.

Its almost as if any online idiot with a peanut of a brain to setup up a free blog or tiny URL,just to boast his Google adsense income.

Or is it because they heard that people are desperatly looking for jobs.They forget that people buy time every week or day just to look at whats new here to try it out and pray that they can get their dream jobs.It is the time people are using to do this that some twit things it a way to cash in on the desperation of others by using a blog .ty .mobile or .whatever with a bogus topic just to try and get people to boast their site counter.

At least post useful information rather than keep trying to make this site totally unpopular for those seeking employment.