Hello Guys.

PLEASE BEWARE OF THESE WEBSITES- http://www.lr.autoxchanger.net and http://electro-change.webs.com/ they are owned by the same group of people. Also avoid posts from this user "MoneyCenter1" and “Remi13

He was formerly using autoxchange.webs.com and auto-change.webs.com

His former websites were frozen by the company managing them when a lot of people reported his fraud to them.

They claim they are e-currency exchangers and that you would make profit when you deal with them. IT'S ALL A LIE.

He would collect your hard-earned money from your Liberty reserve account and WILL RUN WITHOUT EXCHANGING IT TO YOUR Perfect Money account.

He has scammed my friend once.



@ NAIJA-HOT-JOBBERS: Please let’s try to nail these guys. Spread the word and please reply to my posts so that it remains on top as a "STICKY" post so that other people would see it immediately they open naijahotjobs websites. This would help in preventing people from falling victims.