Hi my brother,
You are one in a million.God bless you my dear.Keep it up.
Hi naijahotjobbers,
I just got this and want to share it with the house, beside it is the bank's career website.
ACCESS BANK ( http://www.accessbankplc.com/major.cfm?id=8 )
The test is made up of two papers, 50 questions each and you are expected to make at least 50% in each (25marks). Its a combination of Maths, English, Critical Reasoning and a little bit of Current Affairs (States and Capital). Just study GMAT.
You also need to know a bit about banks generally- general and simple policies, which banks are defunct etc.
BANK PHB ( http://www.bankphb.com/hd/mainsite.asp )
I think the test is administered by Leading Edge Consult and it is basically a combination test comprising about 70 questions on different test areas: Verbal, Synonyms, Antonyms, Word analogies, Basic arithmetic, Shape comparisons, Mirror images of wall clocks & other stuffs.There are no options in many of the questions.I think the time is 50 mins or 1hr.I can't remember exactly.
Bank Phb test is very difficult.The good thing about it is that cut off mark is as low as 30%.
CITIBANK ( http://www.citigroup.com/citigroup/global/nga.htm )
The test is a booklet in 3 sections. A, B ,C , Maths (mostly Tough Fractions),Like 2/3 + 4/7 all over 7/8 - 5/7 = 5/4 -6/5 then Logic like these vivid ones:
1. A gave hand shake to B; and B gave hand shake to C. A gave hand shake to C ( True or False)
2. If " degg is boobo and tarra is kiki, is kiki boobo?
Then Comprehension, Word and Opposite /nearest in meaning,
My advice: You must be good in Maths, Logic and must be very very FAST, Its a tough test I must let you know, so Practice like MAD!!!!
DIAMOND BANK ( http://www.diamondbank.com/metadot/index.pl?id=4908 )
Diamond test lasts for 1hr
It comprises 3 parts:
Part I
Simple Maths (1-10)
Chart/Graph Interpretation/Analysis (11-15)
Part II
English (1-10)...e.g White:Black, Up: ?
Sentence completion/Appropriate fill in (11-15)
Part III
Critical/Logic Reasoning (1-10)
Series/Sequence (11-15)
Time is defintely short. There's no -ve marking, read the instructions carefully...SCORE HIGH (because I think there cut-off is high)
Be careful to listen to the interview tips...immediately after the test (Very Important)
ECOBANK ( http://www.ecobank.com/english/group...ID=6&SRubID=16 )
Ecobank test is really tough and challenging. You really need to prepare very well because it's interpretation of graph throughout. It's like CAMBRIDGE EXAM. Anyway, people still pass it and you just have to prepare very well. Nothing is difficult if one prepares very well.
EQUITORIAL TRUST BANK ( http://www.equitorialtrustbank.com/?page=pre_cv )
They are SAT related questions,the maths is the most difficult and time wasting because they are logical reasonings: For the English we have Comprehension, Sentence Correction, Verbal Reasoning. You have 30mins for the English of 40 questions and 30mins for the Maths, 30 questions.
The test format is numerical reasoning, graphical interpretation,then verbal reasoning.
just go to www.shl.com
FCMB ( http://www.firstcitygroup.com/fcmb/careers.asp )
Their test is purely shapes, series i.e. 2, 4, --, 10 you understand what I mean? And GMAT English. The limiting factor is time constraint, you need to be fast but do not guess as there is negative marking. You have to compare symbols and choose which is the opposite of the original from options given.
I think its called quantitative aptitude.
FIDELITY BANK ( http://www.fidelitybankplc.com/careers.asp )
It consists of verbal and quantitative reasoning questions. The Maths questions are easy and the Verbal questions are just passages, sentence completions and the likes. Read your GMAT 2007 or anyone and you are good to go.
FIRST BANK ( http://www.firstbanknigeria.com/car/car_opport.asp )
that they have 100 questions. But the time is very short.
The first part was a long comprehension, which one could possibly spend at least 15 minutes on. It has only 10 questions. This part is time consuming, avoid starting on this part. People who started on the first section didn’t finish up to 60 questions at the end of the test.
The second part is English (Verbal reasoning). It requires a bit of thinking, although its fairly easy. Don't start here as well.
The third part is Math. They are simple as well, but the chances are that you might spend over 1 minute working out each answer. If the format is as before, you are also adviced not to start with this.
The forth part is on Current Affairs, with a multiple answer style. This is easier and you spend lesser time.
The fifth (final) part is on Critical reasoning. This is also very easy.
It is a maximum of 60mins or 80mins. You will only use writing materials like pencil, cleaner and maybe a pen.
Calculators are usually not allowed and you will be provided a plain sheet to work out your answers.
FIRST INLAND BANK ( http://firstinlandbankplc.net/form.asp?i=2 )
100 questions, 60mins. Use of calculator not allowed. The Maths and English is mixed so face the one you know more. Dont waste much time on any question, Study 2006 GMAT. Some quantitative aptitude, antonyms, logical reasoning, then interest and percentages in maths, etc.
GUARANTY TRUST BANK ( http://portal.gtbplc.com/portal/index.pl?iid=37237 )
Their test format is in three parts. You have Verbal Reasoning, Numerical Reasoning and Grahical Interpretation. All they need is your accuracy how u can think on the spot.They are usually simple questions but the challenge is you have 24mins for 80 questions. So you have to be fast in thinking. Pass Mark is 50%.
New Format
hi house, i must say that GTB has a new format . they now use the SHL format and it is in two parts, the numerical and the verbal reasoning. you have 20mins to answer the verbal (30QS) and 18mins to answer the numerical (25QS). GOOD LUCK GUYS. P.S. I TOOK TH TEST ON THE 28TH OF march.
New format (updated on 30th July, 200
infinity, GTB no longer make use of Gmat but SHL Format instead and it is in two parts, the numerical and verbal reasoning, you have 20mins to answer the verbal which has 30 questions and 18mins to answer the numerical which has 25 questions.
got to the following websites for example questions in SHL Format:
i really do hope i've helped out some how, i also got a mail from them and we will make it as long as God is on the throne.
IBTC ( http://www.ibtc.com/career%20opportunity.asp )
It is more of GMAT. About 20 GMAT Mathematics and English. Some 'Nearest in meaning' English as well and you willl be asked to work some mathematics without options i.e. no multiple-choice objective in them.
INTERCONTINENTAL BANK ( http://intercontinentalbankplc.com/c...ontinental.asp )
Their format is GMAT. It contains Maths and English. 100 questions. Go and look for IEC Gmat text book:2004 edition. I heard it is scarce in the market. If you get the text book, craM all the questions and answers. All their question were lifted from there.(Word for Word)
Cut off is 80%
OCEANIC BANK ( http://www.oceanicbanknigeria.com/careers/ )
Oceanic bank test is 70 questions to be answered in 60 minutes. 15 Maths, Comprehension 10, Grammar 20, Current affairs 15 and business questions 10. Just relax and put in your best. Pass mark is 50% which is 35 out of the 70.
Oceanic Bank Has upped their Game, They now use a new format administerd by a new HR firm called Kimberly-Ryan. From my experience yersterday in Kano this is their new format.
30 verbal reasoning questions 10 min
25 Quantitative reasoning 10 min
25 Abstract reasoning 8 mins
So you have 28 min to answer 80 questions and then the sme procedure is repeated again. So all in all u have 160 questions in 54 mminutes
Good luck
SKYE BANK ( http://www.skyebankng.com/ourcultureskyeperson.php )
The test format is 80 questions comprising Maths, Verbal Reasoning, Spatial Orientation, Lateral Reasoning and 1 essay. all in 1hr 15mins.
SPRING BANK ( http://www.springbankplc.com/careeer.htm )
Their questions are usually from G-Mat, practice your G-mat, 2003,2004,2005,2006, infact any G-mat at your reach because that is where their questions usually come from. Meanwhile its always English and Mathematics.
STANDARD CHARTERED BANK ( http://www.standardchartered.com/glo...s_sitemap.html )
This is the test format. Maths Section is simply graphical interpretation. You need to work on that. 70 questions. The English section is very simple. You will be given a passage and you will be sked to interprete. 75 Questions.
UBA ( http://www.ubacareers.com )
Just read your GMat. Then also have an idea bout current affairs, e.g. Who's d senate president, when was nations/africans cup played and in which country, Who's Bank PhB's MD(sounds strange for UBA, right?)
The test is simple: Maths, English and Current Affairs. Maths is 15 questions, English is 15 questions, Current Affairs is 20 questions.
WEMA BANK ( www.wemabank.com/wema_careers.htm )
Their test is a total of 80 Questions,consisting of two parts. MGTH1 and QLRT1, 40 questions each. you have to be very fast cause you have 40 minutes for each part. The test is conducted by WAEC. The MGTH1 is made of Gmat English and General Information. Then the 2nd part is made of Maths, logical reasoningand critical reasoning. The test is not easy so you have to study hard for it. Goodluck.
ZENITH BANK ( http://www.zenithbank.com/careers.cfm )
the format is thus: Numerical Reasoning, Comprehension, Sentence Correction and Critical Reasoning. There are 100 questions and 2 hours to finish up. If you can get Barrons foreign GMat. They dub their questions from foreign GMat. Both the comprehension, critical reasoning, and the rest. The questions will be very voluminous and you have to read fast.
very soon i will get more and update the house.
no forget to tell me 10q oooh, no be free i browse.
Hi my brother,
You are one in a million.God bless you my dear.Keep it up.
i think employers should browse dis site & pick guys like yemisi without tests, interviews & stuffs.
who understands me here?
u 2oo much
pls,naijahotjobs i have seen how wounderful u are by helping young graduates in getting jobs, keep it up.pls i will like to know when Access Bank wil be writing their next text b'cos i missed the last one.thanks and God bless
Thanks a bunch. This is very thoughtful![]()
boy!!!u guys are simply too much.i'm most grateful for ur help so far.u shall lack no good thing.God bless u.
You guys are just awesome.Please keep up the good work.
[email protected]
Tanx a million buddy for dat info, my wish is dat everyone of us wil achieve his or her ambititon in no distance time in Jesus name, AMEN.
God bless you 4 doing such a good job.
this very superb keep up the marvelouse work.
Be Positive All The Time
may God bless u with ur information.
stay blessed.
bros u 2 much, I swear!
am still confused about hw most banks recruit.
som colect hard copies, som dont.
atimes u jus hear of test comin up, but wen d applicatn waz don u dont know. i need more hints.
guy that was a good job ok. thanks a great deal
cheers<br />Kpadol