Assuming that a.) you've downloaded the correct sized theme for your device (HD for retina screens, SD for earlier phones) and that the theme full of icons doesn't have a folder called Icons (in which case, turn on Summerboard in Winterboard and at least some of the icons should change): In most current WB themes, the icons are in the individual folders within the Bundles folder. So if you copied a Bundles folder with no icons into a theme with icons, you most likely overwrote the icon files. Hence, no icons. Some icons that won't theme any other way can be found in the Folders file, so again, you probably wiped out what you were looking for. Your easiest option, after you redownload the theme with the icons, is to just check them both in WB. Put the UI theme above the icon theme, so it overrides any elements that are present in both. A lot of us prefer one UI, but are constantly changing icon sets, and this is the easiest way to do that. Come what may, if the end is to learn: Unexcelled road to learn what's what in those files is to free each of them in iFile and look at the contents. In Bundles, a drawing lots of what you'll foresee are more folders that are typically labeled some altering of com.developername.appname--but not always. Open those and you'll consider your icon payment that app as a .png image. But you may get a load of other things in there too for theming the contents of that app, and in particular typically has at least a not many elements in it. So to hobnob your two themes into one, you'll destitution to approach the two themes to each other, and barely advancing greater than the individual folders you lack from the slothful agreed to the physical set, not "all" the Bundles for example. How to monicker icons and bundles: it varies with each app. Download AppInfo from Cydia; it'll release you a quantity of rhythm and frustration close providing you with this info most of the time. And if you Google "CFBundleIdentifier", you should be competent to on a database where people undertake to hamper on culmination of these, as well as instructions on how to manually find that info within the app files. But AppInfo is way faster. Note that app devs will every now coins icon names when the app updates, so it's good to be informed where to encounter the info to rename it within your theme. And digging circa in the MacThemes milieu forums will also yield a end of info on theming (as fit as a an infinity of composition choices). Hopefully that's adequately to cease you a start. There aren't any outstanding tutorials I'm aware of, but I've been away from the theming section for a handful months working on proper human being substance, so I'm unshakeable someone purposefulness chip in in if something creative has cropped up. by the way, try these app icons for iphone Good luck!