This is for people who have wanted to write articles, review articles or post comments on articles online and get paid but are having problem as a result of the Sledgehammer which is otherwise known as Pay Pal account. You can now get paid to writing/review articles and withdraw your money into your Savings account as the Pay Pal Monster (problem) is solved - you can now withdraw through Alert pay (Payza) account.

I have discovered a genuine article writing web site that pays to Payza (Alert Pay) account. The site pays minimum of $3, $4, $5 and even more for a unique article submitted. This site pays you immediately you submit the article and the payment is not by the views that your articles generate through the members/guests of the site. The site pays upfront instantly and credit your account immediately you submit article .

The pay per article is dependent on the uniqueness of the article, if you write five articles per day you can make $20 and you even can make more than that as you can also make more money by posting replies to already posted articles, participating in contest and some more activities on the site.

Even if you do not know how to write article, or you are thinking that you do not have writing skill, in fact, let me tell you the gospel truth you do not need to know how to write as there is a way to get FREE articles online that you will submit and they will pay you which I will show you everything that you need to know in the steps that I will send to you.

Okay, still don't want to write article? you can still make money by posting positive or negative reply (anyone is accepted because that is your opinion) to articles already posted, taking part in contest, being active and lots more.

Don't know what is Liberty Reserve/Alert Pay? Oh ! This is another thought, Okay! Alert Pay Account is an online virtual bank account which you can open online FREE without paying money. This is where they will pay into and you will exchange the dollar you make into naira through Exchanger.

Pay N3000 to get it

ACCOUNT NO - 0027406697