Hi, I want to introduce you to some amazing products:

1. You can now use your pressing iron, electric cooker, refrigerator with your small "Tiger" generator without any problem using this product.

2. An Ultimate Kerosene Stove that burns just like gas. No need to worry about gas explosion or your pot getting black any longer.

3. Amazing radio that can charge your phone,
*it has torch that you can use to see when PHCN strikes,
*It is powered just by cranking/winding- You don't need PHCN
* You don't need to buy battery though it can be powered with battery ( it's your choice).

4. Alarm Padlock that scares thieves and intruders away once it is touched. It keeps your property safe even in your absence. It can be use to secure office safe, doors, steering etc.

For details mail: [email protected]