Dear Friend,
A website has become a must have for everyone. This is because almost everyone wants to sell their products/services online. But, the basic challenging aspect is not having a website but getting people to patronize you.

I must congratulate you for reading this letter.


Because, this is the best letter you will ever read on the net, you may ask me, how?

Many website owners hardly make a dime from their site. If nobody is seeing your website you will never make a single sale. But, because I have made up my mind to help small and large scale business owners set up a professional website that will not only showcase their products and services but I will optimize their website for search engine purposes and I will expose their website to their target market.

Giving them the opportunity to make more sales and build leads.

The good news is that it does not matter what ever you are selling but your sales is guaranteed.

Who is Eligible?

Small and large scale business owners


Individuals who want to make extra cash online

Part time workers


With the confidence I have in my service you will never regret patronizing me.

I’m offering you 100% 30days money back guaranty. If after 30days you did not make any sale you can request back your money? With this you have nothing to loss.

I’m keen to helping you succeed no-matter what you are selling. Just give me a chance to design a professional website for you. I bet you, you will never run after customers any more.

That is not all.

I will provide you 15 original articles that will keep your customers on your site.

I will provide you a good domain name on your choice of niche

I will host your domain name for one year

I will install autoresponder in your site that will capture the names and emails of every customer that comes to your website.

I will provide you three additional businesses that will pay you daily with little or no capital to start.

I will be your mentor till you succeed so therefore you can always mail me or call me for questions.

How Much Does it Cost?

Normal price is N30,000

Promo price N15,000

If you order today you will surely get 50% discount and you will only have to pay N15,000 only.

Note: Installmental payment is allowed

First payment: N10,000

Final Payment: N5,000

If you have the time and you will like to meet me one on one, am always available.

After payment forward your payment details in this format:
Amount paid, teller number, email address, phone number and niche of interest e.g Business, health, insurance etc. This will enable me to know the type of site you want me to build for you.

Forward your payment details to: 08030926476

Kindly print out this letter if you are interested in this package and for future reference.

Note: This promo will only last for few days.

You can also call for inquiries.

Hotline: 08030926476

Grab yours today before promo is over.