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Topic: We've PROVEN that it's possible to make money online, without spending Money 7b

  1. #1
    Banned divinepounds's Avatar
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    Aug 2014

    We've PROVEN that it's possible to make money online, without spending Money 7b

    Formatting Your Articles
    The formatting of your articles have a big potential impact on your ranking. There are some great Wordpress plugins that will walk you through the process of posting, but even if you were to use them, you should know how to do it yourself, and understand what’s involved.
    Keyword Density
    Time for a little straight talk on keyword density. Keyword density has been completely oversaturated, and search engines are going to rely on it less and less as time passes. If you take a look at what Google is looking for from search results, it’s content that really engages the reader… that takes a lot of skill.
    Know what doesn’t take skill? Pasting the phrase “left handed golf clubs” over & over throughout your article. Use keywords enough for search engines to gauge the topic, but not more than that.
    A good rule-of-thumb: words & phrases that are core to what an article is about should appear in the article, but you shouldn’t have more than 2-4 occurrences of an exact word or phrase.
    Try to use it once in the first 50-100 words, again in the last paragraph, and 1-2 times per 500 words when appropriate. Otherwise, use synonyms, alternate words & phrases, etc.
    “Long tail keywords” – keywords consisting of 3 or more discrete words – are golden.

    Check out http://www.live-keyword-analysis.com/ or the keyword density checker for Wordpress. http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/...nsity-checker/
    Page Title
    This is the most important single element of your article. Use your titles intelligently – use a unique title for each page, and put your keyword at the front of your title, then describe your page in a concise way.
    Header Tags
    Headers give search engines a good idea of what’s most important on a page, and they make it easier for real people to mentally organize your content. Most competently written themes will automatically put your page title in H1.
    You should also use ‘sub-headings’ liberally to organize your content; do this using H2 tagged subheadings.
    You want to have one or two in every article – they really bring your website to life and give it an air of professionalism. More to the point, they are critical to the search engines. You can name your file name and alt tag using the keyword, just remember that it does count towards your overall keyword density. Most people don’t think about images or how easy they are to get.
    Maybe the simplest thing to do is grab some free images off the web. Sites like Morguefile and sXc.hu are brimming with free commercial images. It also won’t hurt you to visit a big site like
    Flickr and find creative commons images – sites like Cracked.com use citations and credits for all of their images, and it doesn’t hurt their professionalism a bit.
    Second, you can open up a paint program or image editor and type some text in… play around with fonts, text size, and italics to give it a stylized look. A look at amazing graphical resources like http://www.brusheezy.com and http://www.dafont.com should give you enough dazzling backgrounds to keep you occupied for a long time.
    Finally, there are so many free generators for infographics and statistics that your head will swim. If your site can make use of statistics (health, weight loss, money management) then this is really worth throwing a look at. Gliffy.com is my favorite one, but visual.ly, wordle.com, and Google’s Public Data Explorer are all useful.
    for video teaching on it check http://nocostincomestream.wix.com/divine

  2. #2
    Banned divinepounds's Avatar
    Join Date
    Aug 2014

    Re: We've PROVEN that it's possible to make money online, without spending Money 7b

    life changing video that will teach you How to Make Money without spending a Dime From Your Pocket

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