If you live in Port Harcourt don't miss this once in a life time opportunity as the University of Prosperity presents a 2 week money making workshop.

In this grand breaking practical training, you will discover how to generate over N200,000 before this xmas at home:

You will learn-
* How to Make Huge income from Shawama production
* How to generate Huge income from Venue Decorating
* How to generate Huge Income form Cake Production
* How to Generate Huge Income from catering services this festive season
* How to Generate Huge Income from Bread and short cake production

1. All participant are will get access to free loan to establish a small scale business
2. get 15% discount If you register before the training day
3. All participant will be mentored by business expert
4. All Participant will get free training materials to support their learning.

Date: 24th Nov. - 1st Dec. 2012
Time: 12 pm
Venue: to register and reserve your seat text your name and address to 08028447739,08120210021.

Note: Limited space available...