I want people to know that once you are good in maths, you will generally be good in other subjects if you know what you are doing. To some people, they believe maths is the most difficult subject and they prefer subjects without calculations to those with calculations. But to me, maths is the easiest and simplest subject because once you know a topic in maths, you just begin to apply what you’ve learnt without even having to consult your notes at times. But if it were a subject like Biology or Government, you have to continue reading a particular topic until it sticks to your brain. One bad thing about these subjects without calculations is that if you read them for say two days and stop reading them for may be three days, they will definitely leave you for about one week(i.e. you would have forgot what you read for those two days).
There is this subject called FURTHER MATHS which most students in Nigeria have been taking for granted. Even some in the commercial dept believe they do not need it which is very untrue. They will discover this when they get to the higher institution. Even the Jamb maths is not really maths but Further Maths. Also if you are good in Further Maths, it automatically boosts your knowledge in anything that has to do with calculations.
My main reason for these whole stories is that if you know you want someone to teach you Further Maths in a way that you will definitely understand it then call me on 08028632878 or 08066311553. Take note that your level of knowing this subject depends on who is taking you. Also if you know you have loved ones that you think you them to know this subject, you can also call.
You can make an arrangement with me so I can take you privately either at the school where I teach or at your home. I will use the Further Maths text books called PROJECT (1-3) or MANGOD or any other text book you might have. Pls I want you to know that when I’m teaching with any of these books, I teach from the 1st topic to the last topic without jumping any pages. Now imagine you knowing all the topics in either PROJECT 1-3 or MANGOD before gaining admission. You will definitely become FIRE when you get to school and they will begin to wonder where you came from (especially those of you that will be going for science, engineering or commercial courses). Finally, all I know is that those that know the value of this info will take it serious. A word is enough for the wise.