What Is An Information Product?
Information products can be books, e-books, CDs, videos, tele-seminars, membership websites ... anything that conveys information to your customer.

You want the kind of success that truly meshes with your lifestyle - or the kind of lifestyle you dream of. Remember that making money is only one aspect of success.
Build your business around your lifestyle. If you want a lifestyle that allows you to do as you want ... travel where you want ... live where you want, then building an infopreneur business is perfect for you.

How To Generate Profitable Ideas
First, start generating ideas. Go to the places where people are spending money. One good source is magazines.

Magazines survive on the income from advertising. Smart advertisers won't keep spending money to advertise something that doesn't sell. Check out your local magazine stand and find
out which niches have a number of dedicated magazines. Look inside. See what they're selling. Magazines are fantastic for idea generation

The Positive Effect Of Competition
You want competition! Let me repeat, you want competition. Do not enter a niche were there is no competition. It may be a niche that gets lots of
interest, but the members of this niche are not willing to spend. It is a useless niche and you won't get an income stream out of it.

Competition is good. It shows that people are buying. Just because your competition is selling a product close to yours, does not mean that you can't sell your product to the same customer. This customer is a buyer.

Look at yourself! How many books or other info products have you bought on the same subject? People will buy more than one info product for an interest they are passionate about.

How To Create Your Product
Creating information products is much easier than most people imagine.
All you're doing is taking information and repackaging it.

Answer All The Questions
Before you start writing, be sure you know what questions the reader
wants answered. Creating an information product that answers all the questions leads to happy customers and business success.
Go to the Internet forums and see what kinds of questions members are asking. What are their nagging worries? What problems do they face? What solutions are they looking for? Chose a niche that matches

Start Writing
The easiest way to create a report or an e-book is in chunks. Small bitesized chunks that you bring together into a book.
Take one chapter – any chapter – and just start writing. Pretend you're telling this information to a friend, and write in the same easy, friendly style.
Keep your writing simple. Use short sentences and small paragraphs, to make it easy to follow.

How Big Must Your Book Or Report Be?
Remember this, information products are bought because they teach people how to do something, how to improve something, or how to solve a problem. They are not bought for entertainment purposes.

So, people do not buy information products by the page – they buy them by the benefit. They buy your information products for the benefit it offers them.
In fact, it's best to keep your information products concise and to the point.

No rambling! If the information product teaches something of great benefit, your customers will pay top dollar for it – no matter the page count.
How To Sell Your Product
The most effective way to sell your information product is with a one-page sales letter website. You set this page up once, and it keeps selling your information products – night and day.

Your sales letter needs to follow the AIDA principle. It must first attract Attention with a strong, benefit-promising headline. Then, it must build Interest with a story that pulls the reader into the letter. Next, a list of appealing benefits creates the Desire. Finish it off by having a commanding call to Action.

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