<<I am appealing to the moderator to keep this topic on top of the thread so people that have eye and ear will learn>>

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>>>>>>>>>This is the secret I used to become what I am today, so learn and become rich.<<<<<<<<<<

One of the hardest parts about starting a new business is also having to cover personal expenses during the startup phase.

It is estimated that it takes a new business 12 to 18 months before it hits its breakeven point - meaning that it takes more then a year before the business is earning enough in revenue to cover just the business's ongoing expenses - let alone having enough in profits to pay the business owner.

And, if you can't access an outside business loan, this also means that the business owner might have to go that 12 months plus without a paycheck.

People are so afraid of living without a salary, the fear grip them and they hold on to their job, they are afraid the change that will take place in their financial life.

This is because they have been lured from school to buy liabilities, things that drain money out of their pocket even when they are working very hard, all their money goes to bills. If they thought from school how to buy assets that generate income for them while they are not working (Cash Flowing Items)

On top of that, throw in this poor economy and that 12 to 18 months could stretch out to 2 plus years before the business hits that all important breakeven or profitability point.

To combat this, any intended entrepreneurs should keep their day jobs and work on their businesses part-time - at night and on weekends during this startup phase.

This means that the business has to be started on a smaller scale and potentially limp along until the business is able to sustain itself.

However, keep in mind that this is only temporary and that end goal is to eventually transition full-time into the business when it is feasible to do so.

One example of this (and there are many) is the moving company PODS. The founder of PODS keep his day job and worked just a few hours each night on his business plan and business. He did this as he was not in a financial position to quit his job as well as his desire to spend some quality time with his young family while the business began its assent.

However, with some personal income, this business owner was also able to:
1. Take a lot of the stress of a new business off his shoulders in regards to covering his personal expenses,
2. Provide some money to put into the business as needed, and
3. Most importantly, allowed the business to focus on a long-term growth strategy as opposed to a short-term, get revenue now strategy, that would have forced the owner to make bad overall business decisions.

Thus, by having a full-time or even a part-time job in conjunction with the business, will allow new entrepreneurs time and additional resources to research and develop their products and services, market the company and properly grow the business for the long-term (which is the end goal after all).

If you need financial support to finance and improve your business email [email protected] or call 08120210021

Thank you for letting me help you, I wish you the best of luck

Victoria Joshua