Are you OPEN MINDED to the possibility that there is a way for you to have a better FUTURE?
We URGENTLY seek AMBITIOUS individuals who want to be a part of our extensive expansion plans.

You are invited to find out how you can earn a substantial full or part time income.
* Are You Tired of Your Dead End Job?
* Are You Not Making Enough Money at Your Current Job?
* Have You Been Laid Off and Need a Work at Home Opportunity?
* Do You Want to Be Your Own Boss Working at Home?
* Will You Ever Make Enough Money at Your Current Job to Retire?
* Do You Want to Have More Free Time at Home With Your Family?
* Have You Ever Wanted Your Own Home Based Business?
* Are You Out of Work and Need Money to Pay the Bills?
* Would You Love the Opportunity to Take a Nice Family Vacation?
* Do You Want to Decide Where You Live Instead of Your Job Dictating it?
* Are You Simply Unhappy With Your Current Job Situation?
* Or is There Another Reason Why You Want a Home Based Business?

IMAGINE waking up every day without worrying about getting ready for work, commuting to your dead end job, or answering to a boss... ever again! Each and every day, all types of people, from all over the world, are deciding to quit their jobs to work at home with their own home based business.
In fact, so many people are starting their own work at home based businesses that, by the time you are done reading this sentence, someone in the world will have started an internet home business that is ran entirely from their home computer, or found a work at home job... You can too!
Fact- 95% of people work hard in a JOB but still end up broke
Fact - most people have little or NO savings
Fact - most people feel under valued
Fact - most people would like more time with their families
Fact - most people would like an opportunity to change their lives
Fact - most people would love to have a low investment/high return home-based business

We are a group of dynamic and highly successful business people with a proven, professional track record!
-We URGENTLY seek AMBITIOUS individuals who want to be a part of our extensive expansion plans-
You are invited to find out how you can earn a substantial full or part time income.

Becoming financially independent means controlling your own destiny - it makes almost anything you want in life possible. If your job or career isn’t taking you where you want to go, I will offer a great opportunity to change your course! What have you got to lose?!
Our unique business opportunity makes all this possible by helping you establish your own home-based business without any risky investments. You'll receive steady paychecks, earn incredible bonuses, and secure your financial future as part of a community that does good. And your earning potential is unlimited. The harder you work, the more money you'll make. No salary caps. No educational requirements. Can you say that about any other job?
There are mainly 2 ways to make REAL MONEY!
1. Compound your MONEY through INTEREST
2. Compound your TIME through the efforts of other people!
Success in any business is achieved by being at the right the right time!
According to Paul Zane Pilzer an economist and advisor to two US Presidencies: “The next generation of millionaires will come from two major Trends that are currently creating the Perfect Storm of Opportunity”
• The Health and Wellness Revolution
• Home Based Business Boom

“Depending upon the government for your future financial security is like hiring an accountant who is a compulsive gambler!" Denis Waitley

What is Network Marketing?
Network Marketing is considered basically a channel of distribution for goods and services that can also have an income opportunity attached.Network Marketing is a business of Touching and Changing People's Lives.....Including your own!"


Why Should I get Involved in Network Marketing?
• Fast Growing Industry
• Own Business & Own Boss
• Time Freedom
• Professional Training
• No Specialised Education Or Business expertise needed
• High Return Low Risk
• Unlimited & Willable Residual Income
• Work Full Time or Part Time - Flexible hours to fit around family & other Commitments
• Full Training & Support Program
• You Determine Your Rate of Success
• Proven Business Building Method

Anyone can DO IT!
Guaranteed Success
Our company provides you with this simple, proven cycle that guarantees your success. If you and your team members follow the steps in this cycle, there is no limit to how large your business will become and how much money you will earn.

Growth and Recognition
Bonuses. Awards. Promotions. Prestige. It’s all part of the experience with Forever Living Products. We celebrate every step of your growth with the appreciation you deserve. You’ll be showered with bonuses. You’ll qualify for amazing incentives. Enjoy an exotic vacation on us. And be recognized publicly at events and Rallies. It just our way of saying thank you!
Profit Share: is another way Forever rewards the hard work and dedication of our Distributors. This incentive is a one-off additional annual bonus where the Company puts part of the country’s profit into a pot and Distributors can qualify to earn a share. Profit Share is not an exclusive club. Anyone can qualify for it.

To get the feel of what the profit share is like...please go to google, click images and type "Forever Living profit sharing". You will wish those checks are yours. Yes it can be yours. lookout for Nigerian's there including a lecturer in College of education Warri, Delta State, the man holding a cheque of $264,000+ and for more infomation, go to google and type FLP Nigeria and explore it.

If you have ever had aspirations to go into business for yourself someday, but NEVER got around to it because you:
•Did not have the (thousands of dollars of) start-up capital that was required
•Just couldn’t afford to give up your full-time job to do so due to existing commitments
•Simply could not find the right opportunity (one with minimal financial outlay, and lots of help/support to build the business)

THEN this is exactly what you were hoping (or perhaps, even praying) for.
Network marketing gives you the leverage you need to create income so you have the time to enjoy the freedom of living the lifestyle you dream about living. Oh and that’s a really important side benefit: You are allowed to dream again because now you have a way to achieve those dreams of yours you may have forgotten about.


To Join (within Nigeria and outside the Country)simply send me your Name, email address, phone number, location(City and State) to my email at [email protected] or call +2348052344785