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Topic: Profits Explode Your Bank Account With Avalanches of Thousands of Naira!

  1. #1
    Newbie neksummi's Avatar
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    May 2012

    Profits Explode Your Bank Account With Avalanches of Thousands of Naira!

    YOU CAN MAKE N1,000,000 IN 2 TO 3 MONTHS USING THE "QUICK SMART PROGRAMME" Well, it is true, very legitimate and real. I was recently introduced to a program (Quick Smart Program) which can help you build a targeted email list of business people and at the same time empower and guarantees to make you N1,000,000 in 60 days. Yes you heard me right... One Million Naira in 2months!

    All you do is processing of mails. How Many Emails Can You Process A Day? Here is the catch... You will need to invest a token N2, 000 and apply all the strategies outlined in Phase 2 of the program.

    Once you set it up, it becomes money making machine on auto-pilot that floods your bank account with avalanches of N1, 000s while you are relaxing with your friends and family. you are sure of making at least N12,000 to N16,000 Daily with one to one hour thirty minutes work.

    If you are even half way considering starting your own Internet business, you need to pay close attention right now. If this is your first attempt at money making on the internet, consider yourself fortunate because you wouldn’t have to lose thousands of naira experimenting. I lost over N1million my first few years jumping from one programme to another. You have right in front of you a programme that works. Search no further.

    If you don’t trust me, then it won’t affect me! Tomorrow, I will still be making an avalanche of N1000 sitting in my room and you might be reading another e-book or sales letter to get rich quickly!

    Who knows, this method may become a turning point in your life? Think out of the box, Get out of the crowd, Be different and let the world know about you!


    This service on its own is GOLD. Many large corporations are willing to pay good sum of money for it. Besides, you can also build a relationship with the people in your email list and make it easy for them to join you in very good online and profitable ventures which can further enrich you later on.

    There is a saying that “the money is in the list.” This is acute way of saying your mailing list is a test for making money every month. It may seem outrageous to say right now, especially if you’re starting from scratch, but it isn’t all that difficult to build a large mailing list.

    And once you have it, the math can be dazzling. A good rule of thumb is that every subscriber on your list means about one dollar per month in affiliate income (possibly more if you sell your own products to your list). Do you see the potential?

    I bet even a list of 1000 people could change your life. Making an extra $1000 (N160,000) a month might seem like a dream right now… but a list of 1000 can easily translate into that. A list of 2500 or more might replace your day job. A list of 10000 or more can easily put you in the N1m monthly income range, or beyond.

    In phase two of the program. Once you set it up, it becomes money making machine on auto-pilot that floods your bank account with avalanches of N1, 000.00s while you are rightly busy implementing your dream idea, or vision, business idea, your brain-child, or even, whilst you relax with your friends and family. This program was operated with the U.S Dollar and the participation is Just $20, but because you will need a PayPal account which Nigerians do not have access to, it has been
    modified for convenient usage in Nigeria. And instead of using the U.S Dollar, we are using the Naira.

    Check out these live testimonies from people using this system both home and abroad.

    "The first week of participation was quite dull and full of questions from subscribers and by the third week I was blown away by my results. I made an incredible N43, 000.00 and I have since been receiving several One thousand Naira bill in my Bank account, I believe in a little time from now, I will make that N1,000,000.00 that the program promised. I was so excited by my results that I was practically telling everyone who knows me about the easiest way of making money from the internet here in Nigeria ."

    -Oladipupo Segun Emmanuel. Nigeria ===

    "Thanks to this profitable opportunity. I was approached many times before but each time I passed on it. I'm so glad I finally joined just to see what one could expect in return for minimal effort and money required. To my astonishment, I received a total $37,920 in 7 weeks with money still coming in."
    - A Hedland, Fort Lee , New Jersey .

    The very first step is to call or e-mail the two people in the
    POSITION #1and #2 from the current accountability list below, and ask them if they have received their N1, 000 from me. This is what makes the success of this program CERTAIN. You will not send money to me until you CONFIRM that I have paid the people in POSITIONS #1 AND #2 below.

    POSITION #1 –Matthias N.I.M Beauty
    ACC NO: 3049903237
    PHONE: 08060088415
    EMAIL: [email protected]

    ACC NO: 3000727713
    PHONE: 08081227464
    EMAIL: [email protected]

    ACC NO: 3016935979
    PHONE: 08063306838
    EMAIL: [email protected]

    ACC NO: 3050803207
    PHONE: 08164960601
    EMAIL: [email protected]

    The above persons in Position 1 and 2 above are the two people I sent my N1, 000 to, each. After paying them, I called them to add me to their mailing list.

    SECONDLY, After you have verified that I'm genuine and decided to participate, please go to the bank of the person in POSITION #3 (ME), pay N1,000.00 Bill, send details of your payment to my email address or preferably a text to my phone number (I can reach that faster). Details should be in this format- Name, teller number, date of payment, branch of payment, Your email address and phone number, then
    include this important note with the details: "Please add my name to your Mailing List and rush Phase 2 to me"

    If you need me to create a beautifully designed blog just like this one for you to promote your business, pay an additional N1000 into my account i.e. Positon #3 and in 24hrs your blog will be ready! This means you'll be paying N2000 for Position #3 and N1000 for Position #4. I'll do all the re-arranging of the names for you.

    NOTE: IN QUICK START PROGRAM, Only the person in Position #3 supplies “Phase 2”, NEVER any other person. PLEASE do not MAKE MISTAKES; YOU SHOULD REQUEST FOR “PHASE 2” ONLY FROM the PERSON IN POSITION NUMBER THREE.

    ACC NO: 3016935979
    PHONE: 08063306838
    EMAIL: [email protected]

    Next, please go to the bank of the person in POSITION #4, pay N1,000.00 Bill, send details of your payment to his/her email address or preferably his/her phone number. Details should contain name, receipt number, date of payment, branch of payment, your email address and phone number, then include a note in his/her e-mail or text message that reads: "Please add my name to your Mailing List". NOTE:
    Do not include “please send PHASE 2 to me" in the message you are sending to the 4th person. REMEMBER I earlier emphasized that it’s ONLY the person in POSITION number 3 that supplies you with PHASE 2. So, do follow the simple instruction please.

    If you do not have a bank account and you want to participate, you may consider opening a savings account with GTB bank, with as little as N1000 naira.

    Also make sure you have a valid email address and an active phone number as these will be vitally needed. Imagine bringing in 10 people to pay you in POSITION #3 and the person in POSITION #4 N1,000.00 each, and these 10 people bring 10 other people each which should not be difficult, moving you to POSITION #1, and these said 10 people each bring in their own 10 people, at the end of the day, you will be having (10x10x10)x N1,000.00 = N1,000,000.00. Imagine bringing in 20 people or more, only your account will tell. You may think that it will be difficult to attain this; the strategies outlined in Phase 2 will make it easier for you to EASILY GET 20 – 50

    people in less than one week, WITHOUT YOU MEETING OR TALKING TO THESE PEOPLE. At the same time, you will only spend about 2 hours of work setting it up, after that people will come to you to get registered and pay you, not you going to people.

    Seriously, No other program comes this close in EASILY MAKING YOU A MILLION NAIRA IN 60 DAYS! Once set up, it now runs on Auto-Pilot pouring in Avalanches of N1,000.00s into your bank account daily. All you do is spend ONLY 30 minutes daily replying people online that you have been truly paid several N1,000.00s, or via text message (as the case may be). Because this is done on the internet, it moves very
    quickly. Therefore, you only need 10 ACTIVE PARTICIPANTS who actually promote this program to reach your target.

    THE INFORMATION IN PHASE 2 gives you Sure-Fire Strategies to get 20 - 50 people in a week's time. Think of what will happen if 20 of these people become active to the 3rd level, it can give you an easy N8,000,000 in 60 days, but to be conservative, our target is N1,000,000 in 60 days!

    Once you receive your N1,000.00 from people, and at the request of PHASE 2, please do not delay; send them PHASE 2 instantly. At this point, all you will have to do will be to answer the e-mails or text messages (for those who need to confirm the honesty of people from you) saying, "YES, I have been paid" THIS IS HOW YOUR NAME MOVES THROUGH THE SYSTEM:

    FIRST: Your name starts at position #3 in Phase 1 - to all of the people who gets your business opportunity. PHASE 2 will help you to easily reach your target of 20 - 50 people in one week.

    SECOND: You will email PHASE 2 out to each person who has sent you N1,000.00. You will be instructing your respondents to place your name in POSITION #1. You will then begin receiving inquiries from others asking if you have been paid your N1,000.00 You will keep track of all those who have paid. You will be receiving (just the N1, 000 you received from each person in Phase 1, which will be from N10, 000 -
    N25,000 or more).

    THIRD: Those people who have just enquired as to whether payment was made to you will be getting another 10 or more people to participate, and your name will then be in POSITION #4. This is when you will receive the BIG MONEY!

    LASTLY: Your name will be in position #2, where you will again be receiving enquiries, and you will be likely to answer at this point, YES, I'M #1,000,000.00 RICHER!

    Many will then participate and make money also. Participation is all that we require for success. Isn't this a brilliant Business? We really have the best, because we have created a fool-proof and cheat-proof system where everybody has accountability. Your small investment of two N1, 000.00 Bills will reward you with N1, 000,000.00 AND MORE!


    If you order today, you’re going to enjoy the following bonuses:

    An Easy $500 Everyday Cash Blueprint! This e-book teaches you how to turn a facebook account into a money spinning machine. I still sell this e-book for N1500 on another blog but it will be yours FREE if you start this programme today.
    Aweber Blueprint: This ebook is going to teach you how you can create your own Download page with an Aweber form in it…. to build your own money making list for long term profits!

    P.S. I Admit This May Not Be For You. Life is a series of choices. I realize that not everyone will completely understand the power of this system. Like my daddy used to say, “The World Needs Ditch Diggers Too Son” Truth is, only a small percent of people (about 2%) ever have the salt to become financially independent. The others are content to move around like sheep and work for the people on top. God bless them because they have made me a lot of money over the years. Now you have to choose which side you’re going to be on. Will you create your own future, be in charge of your destiny and rise to the top or will you pick up a shovel for the next 40 years? It’s 100% up to you.

    I DARE Any Competitor to Match My “TRIPPLE” Guarantee

    I am so sure of your success with this programme that I guarantee it 3 times in 3 different ways.

    Guarantee #1: If for any reason you are not satisfied with the content of Phase II even if it’s the grammar you don’t like, just send me a personal email anytime in the next 30 days for full, prompt refund. Fair enough? There’s more…

    Guarantee #2: Simply implement just ONE of the strategies I’ll teach and if you don’t profit at least TEN TIMES your initial investment in this programme your first 30 days, I will personally work with you one-on-one until we reach this goal together. If for any reason I fail (and I won’t) I will gladly reach into my pocket and pay you N5000, more than DOUBLE your investment.

    Guarantee #3: Implement ALL the strategies I’ll teach and if you don’t at least TRIPPLE the current size of your business and work less than you ever have before, first I will gladly give you N30,000 cash out of my pocket for wasting your precious time and to top it off I’ll donate N50,000 to charity in your name. I am that sure this will work for you.

    So what are you waiting for? Go pay N1000 each into the accounts of the person at position 3 (Me) and the person at position 4 and get across to me for prompt delivery of Phase II of the programme to you.

    Please do NOT ignore this. DON'T GET ME WRONG, I BELIEVE IN HARD WORK BUT IT'S NO LONGER THE DETERMINANT OF FINANCIAL SUCCESS. SMARTNESS AND INFORMATION ARE THE SURE WAYS!!!!! A LITTLE PATIENCE AND WORK WILL DO. The Most Beautiful of ALL is that you will now be financially capable to implement your BIG DREAMS & IDEAS… and by all means, touch lives positively.

    Many Blessings.
    Wishing you all the best on the Web! See you at the top.

    To your Success,

    Neksummi Matthias.



  2. #2
    Newbie neksummi's Avatar
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    May 2012

    Re: Profits Explode Your Bank Account With Avalanches of Thousands of Naira!

    You know what I've decided to do? I've decided to pay your way into this programme. Let me take the risk for you so that you have nothing to lose for trying the system.
    Just give me a call if you're interested and I'll make payments on your behalf and create your blog blog for you.


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