The GBG business Opportunity really is all about Platinum. Gold customers are just that – customers. It is true that unlike anywhere else that I know of – we allow our customers at GBG to earn money by just being customers and referring other customers. Even up to thousands of dollars a month can be earned by Gold customers – but it takes time and more importantly, most customers aren’t motivated to refer other customers, they just like the product.
Platinum business builders on the other hand are people who are focused on making money. And when you show anyone who is interested in making money how the Platinum businesses opportunity works, and how it pays, they can’t help but get excited.
Here are 7 reasons why.
First, as a Platinum, you receive the 100 sampling kits that are worth $500 for only $399.97. You save more than $100. And these sampling kits are the crux of your GBG business. They make it so that you can easily get off to a fast start and succeed like never before. You also earn maximum fast start bonuses for everyone you personally enroll. Whether they’re Gold customers or Platinum Business Builders, it just makes sense to earn maximum pay when you introduce anyone to GBG. Just by bringing other Platinums on board, you earn $70 for each of your 1st two Platinums, and $220 from your 3rd one on. Every time you sponsor another Platinum, cha-ching – you earn another $220. And Fast Starts are paid weekly; sponsor a Platinum this week – get paid $220 next week. Sponsor 2 and get paid $440. This is one of the driving factors of the Platinum Machine. It’s like priming the pump.

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