Dear business friend,

Let me introduce you to the only method for successfully starting and growing a small business without BIG bank loans, bootstrap financing!

Did you know that you can find small business start up capital without borrowing from banks, family or friends? If you've been dreaming of the financial freedom that comes with being your own boss -- only to have your hopes and dreams dashed by the harsh realities of finding the business start up funding you need.

I will show you many shoestring financing tactics being touted by business experts as being the best way of financing a small/bootstrapped business. As a Start Up Business Efficiency Expert, allow me to help you sift through all of the methods that simply do not work! Let's examine them here:

Prepare a business plan
Writing a business plan is often a lot of work and distracts you from doing what you want to do, which is running your business. But you won't get any funding without a solid written business plan.

Telling an investor or your bank contact that they should give you money because you had a great idea is just not going to work it. A business plan will explain exactly what you plan on doing with that money, why you need it and real numbers proving your business idea potential.

Among other things, you'll need to be able to prove that you know your audience and the size of the market you plan on targeting, your marketing plans, your expected cashflow for the first few years and how will you deal with risks such as another competitor entering the market.

If you are unsure about how to write a good business plan you can also hire a consultant to help you prepare it, but make sure you know exactly what's in it, since the consultant won't be with you when talking to the potential investors.

Practice your pitch
Looking for investment is like selling your business idea to somebody who knows a lot about what makes a good, profitable business. While a good business plan is the basis for your pitch, you will still need to deliver it the right way.

It's worth investigating your potential investors, and adapting your pitch to that information. For example, a bank is often conservative and would be more interested in you showcasing how your business idea is a safe bet and has a solid base, without extravagant expenses or high risk taking.

However, an investor with an existing portfolio of cutting edge technological business may be more interested in listening to how your business is highly innovative and will use the money to create the next big thing online. Do not go into any meeting with your investors without researching all you can about them and their style, since they will have no doubt researched you to see if you, as a person and a businessman, are likely to succeed

I will soon reveal where to get the your business capital, so stay tuned...

if you need any other advice or want to download 155 high income business ideas email me on [email protected]

to your success,

Victor Joshua