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Topic: MIND ASSASSIN part 1 : WHY YOUR'RE STILL POOR THOUGH EMPLOYED, stop looking for a job

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    MIND ASSASSIN part 1 : WHY YOUR'RE STILL POOR THOUGH EMPLOYED, stop looking for a job

    NB: If you fail to read this extract. You can never be successful, ever again. someone said, to hide the secret to wealth and success from a black man, put it in a book. they will never read.

    The only reason people fail is because they fail to learn, they hate to read, if I can input over an hour into writing this essay just to expose you to things you don't understand about your life, the reason why you're still poor even though you're employed, the reason why you're still looking for a job, then I wonder why you cannot spare your time to read this great expository essay that would change your entire life and thinking.

    We all know the important role our minds play in keeping us on track in everything we do, but gone are those days when we decide for ourselves, our current situations given our environment, upbringing, government, friends and many more has negatively impacted your existence, especially if you're from a poor or humble background. Now is that paradigm shift. All your life, from you growing up till date, choices have been made for you, you have never made a decision without the influence of other people, from your parents to your pastors, imam, uncles.. this set of people have greatly decided the way you live your life or exist. Ask yourself, what choice have you made for yourself, by yourself? going to school wasn't your choice, becoming a Christian or Muslim wasn't decided by most of us, our thinking has been greatly impaired, all our life, we have never made a decision for ourselves and those that make for us,m will invariably make our life shape out the way theirs have been shaped out too.. but ask yourself, would you instead receive advice from your unsuccessful uncle, parents, leader or from a big business owner like Dangote?

    Your poor father can never teach you how to become rich. Yes he can't cos if he knew how to, then you won't be at the current state you are now, scrambling through naijahotjobs looking for a job. The cash flow quadrant of Robert Kiyosaki says.. there are two Laws under the Law of Finance. 1. Law of Poverty which says work alone and remain unsuccessful or poor. 2. Law of Wealth which says work with a team or have a staff and become greatly increased and wealthy. Monopolist Entrepreneurs are very weak minded, they don't last and they don't ever get to grow really big and their success is short lived. He who fails to plan, Plans to fail. Ask yourself where and what do you want to be in two years time, your life has repeated played itself out in front of you, admits changes occurring everyday your whole life has been stagnant, no improvement instead things are getting worst. Change is the only Constant thing and is inevitable. so how do you think earning 200,000 naira a month is going to make you successful? you make me laugh. you're only surviving building another person's dream at the expense of yours.

    The 3Cs of Life: Choice, Chance and Changes. If you don't make a choice to take a chance you will never see changes. you need FOCUS: Follow One Course Until you Succeed. your friends, family and religious leaders will be a stumbling block to your success on the road to building a new career for yourself to create the brightest future. don't be too contented with your current state, why settle for less when you can archive more. People like Dangote knows the value of those things that determines a man's success in life and they combined all your efforts to build their own empire by giving you token and you think you're a big boy or girl. If you're a marketer in the bank, they set targets of 800 million naira for you and you go out running around just to hit it. and even when you hit it, what do you get? a slight increase in your salary and a certificate as award while your life waste away, if you can exert such efforts on making another person's (e.g Zenith's Jim Ovia) business grow, why not draw out a map and start growing your own business, create your own team and start to work towards building a great future for yourself and your children.

    The Big Business Owners, Adenuga, OBJ, Jim Ovia, Otedola, Tunde Braimoh, Dangote and others knows the value of your TIME, CHOICE, FREEDOM and they ripped it off you for a meagre income to use it to build their own empire, your combine efforts amounts to thousands of hours. you're the working class, they're the thinking class, they think for you and you execute their thoughts, they rip you of your intellectual capabilities to grow their empire. If I came to you and ask, WILL YOU SELL ME YOUR TIME, FREEDOM and CHOICE wouldn't you say No!.. yes you'd say No! but indirectly working for someone or an organization just makes you a slave. whether you work in a bank or any corporate organization, come rain come sunshine you have to uncomfortably work your off from 5am to 11pm all your life, they suck you dry like an orange and throw you to the dustbin (retirement) wasted and useless to both yourself and your family. I am not condemning the big business owners I am condemning you for your short sightedness into your future.

    You just work for now and fail to plan for your future, you depend solely on a FIXED salary instead of income. the difference between successful people and poor people is simply that: successful people do what unsuccessful or poor people would naturally not do. Successful people listen and learn, poor people have ego and they fail to see the light instead they prefer to hang in there and wait for a miracle. wait well well o, e dey come, God go come down. they spend hours, days in churches, revivals, night vigils without seeing changes. No! God has already answered your prayers, God gave all and sundry equal opportunity but poor people are very lazy people but they always think hard-working is leaving home 5am to come back 11pm in the midnight only to rise 5 am again.. just so they can build other people's business while their life heads towards a disastrous old age. they companies picks you up at 25, young and fresh, sharp minded and use you for another 35 - 40 years and you're wasted, tthey look for another fresh young soul to replace you. and that is the end of your solomon grandy. Big Business owners knows the meaning of KNOWLEDGE so they seek it. KNOWLEDGE means: Knowing Gives you an Edge. the L in knowLedge means Learning, constant learning to improve yourself, to update yourself. They also know the value of working with a team so they recruit the best of the best.

    Owning a SHOP those not make you self employed and learning a TRADE does not make you successful because overtime you knowledge becomes obsolete without constant updating and learning. even our Computer's Antivirus and software, even mobile phone applications are updated everyday to meet new demands, how much more human capital. you need to open your eyes and see the light. You keep searching everyday for a job that is not there... ask yourself, do you want to end this year the way you ended last year? yes education is good, it is the best legacy you can give anyone but education varies, education is more than just going to school to learn banking and finance only to graduate and start looking for how to build other people's dream instead of building yours. they don't teach how to make money in school. God gave everybody a talent, don't complain about the government, stop complaining about the society, be that change you want to see. Poverty is real and poverty is a dream killer, excuses only make things worst, all you need is action, take action. stop sitting on that job. A great writer once said if you want to remain poor, be an employee only. because been an employee, your employer takes away all your choice, you answer yessir to your boss like you're a slave, you run around like a dog at the sound of his/her voice without freedom. Your boss rips you of your time, your family and loved ones misses you terribly and you have children they turn out not properly groomed because you barely have time for yourself or the family. This is the time to review your life. Follow the path of the successful and you will become successful.

    Look around you, everybody you've known all your life that worked with any firm and was later retired, do you like the way they ended up, used and broke and poor with a stroke illness to waste away their pension funds? A lot of big boys driving big cars on loan, without savings in their account, when they get married and start having children then sthey start to see the realities of life. Don't work only for today, work to build a future for yourself and your children. the economy is getting torn apart everyday because people are getting frustrated. things are changing and your lives are fixed. my friend you need to take action now or never. If you don't start now, an extra time you input into building other people's business you lost on building yours, be SMART with your dreams. the qualities of a dream are: It must be SMART - Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic and must have a Time limit. what is your dream? when you were growing up, you had one but along the line you lost it, given the current socio-economic situations. we had dreams of becoming astronauts, scientist, doctors e.t.c but what made you change the course? PDP, people deceiving people, people destroying people, people demeaning people. Yes! your Rich uncle will never help you, rich people hates to see you grow above them. they're competitors. to become RICH and SUCCESSFUL you need this basic things: CAPITAL, PRODUCT, COMPANY, KNOWLEDGE, WORKERS or TEAM which one do you have right now? you'd say KNOWLEDGE, you don't have any my friend, because if you did, I wouldn't need to write this expository essay as a mirror for you to see you life and how it will end up. I can bet my last kobo on the fact that if you like work 100 years for any company you will never be successful. that is not a cause, it's the mere truth. Why? because you're just helping your rich boss to get richer, and you sweat everyday to help another person build his own already huge empire.

    Bottom line is, it's never too late to take a new step into building your own empire or life and give your children everlasting security, what is your ambition, what drives you, what is your dream, ask yourself, people are retiring, resigning or been retrenched everyday from their JOB (Journey Of Borrowers) with a peanut for pension and are thrown into the misery of poverty they thought they already guarded again cos they thought they had a job. Is this not enough example, is the picture not clear enough that the journey you're about to set on is going to end in poverty. so why are you working, ask yourself, is it not to get richer and have a good life, so why does it always end in illness and strokes? I have a billion example of people who ended up like that. And it is that same course you have chosen to thread. even when there's no job, you have decided to settle for a paltry sum of 30k a month, are you crazy? get a life mehn! if you had the opportunity to hustle for a while, maybe like 2 - 5 years and enjoy the rest of your life and retire well, hand over wealth in millions to your children, wouldn't you do it?

    There is opportunity all around you but you have failed to look through it, you dissuade it at the slightest mention of it. you're poor hiding under your jacket forming big boy and big girl. inside you, you know the truth, you owe more than you earn, you're broke and stupid with it. you're sick, you need a physician. until you admit that, you will continue to live in hidden penury and before time it will catch up with you. you work a job that could fail any time when you can be your own boss? there are several ways to become successful in life. we're in the technology era, someone owns this website, you could own yours, read, learn, find out how. Most Rich and Successful people I know are uneducated ( didn't graduate from any school) most are school drop out and they employ Bsc, Msc, Phd holders and choose when to throw them away and when to keep them, they decide your fate so shut up and stop being proud. you own nothing, nothing. another way you can be successful is to go into Network Marketing yes it is real and true, you can read about that too. another way is to partner with people to start a big business and recruit people to work for you, under you. truth is everybody cannot be rich or successful but you have to choose if you want to be successful or you want to serve people all your life. there would be painters, mechanics, builders, cookers, gardeners, drivers but a few who have seen the light will be illuminated and would control. even the Holy Bible says: ...From the poor it would be taken and given back even to the already Wealthy.. yes it's true.. everyday you eat something produced and manufactured by the great entrepreneur DANGOTE and his 100th generation will keep employing your generation because they have discovered the secret to wealth and success.

    About Us
    Since you don't have all it takes to start the journey to success. we're here to help. we're building a team of people who want to be successful and you're welcome to join.
    to be SUCCESSFUL you need: CAPITAL, a PRODUCT or SERVICE, a COMPANY, KNOWLEDGE and WORKERS or a TEAM to work with. you don not have any of these. we're offering to give you all this if you're ready and have decided to be successful in life. Yes all we see everyday is possibilities. Success is SWEET but the secret is SWEAT. the road to success is always under construction only a few will make it to the end. But at the end, it will be worth all the hustle and trouble when you finally triumph. If you would like to work with us, to join our team, develop yourself and enjoy this opportunity only a few has discovered, then you're totally welcome. To JOIN us though, there is a requirement and it is: YOU MUST HAVE A BIG DREAM and a BURNING DESIRE to make it happen.

    To Learn More or JOIN US:
    call Tomola Richards Oke
    080390939482 or 08070708795

    email: [email protected]
    twitter: @UnemployedGrad8
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    Nothing is impossible, even the word says "I'm possible" - Audrey Hepburn

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