Referral link: hxxp: www. paidtologin. com/index. php?ref=21347

To make money with Paidtologin is quite simple justublish your referral link
in your mail or forum signature and people will join under you and you'll earn
10% of their revenue. Of course there are many others ways to promote it as
article marketing, PPC campaigns, paid banner impressions, social networking
and others. Everytime you login into Paidtologin you get paid and you can
see the results of your efforts and withdraw your earnings. It's so simple )

The earning potential given by Paidtologin is unlimited because you earn the
10% on every person is in your downline made of 10 levels. Just think if you
refer 4 people and each one do the same then you earn the 10% on 1048576, this
number is simply get multiplying 4 by itself for 10 times.

1048576 = 4 x 4 x 4 x 4 x 4 x 4 x 4 x 4 x 4 x 4.

But in this way we are considering only the 10th level so we have to add the
people referred on the other levels and we'll have 4 multiplied by itself for
9 times, 8 times until 1 and all they added together give 1398100 people. If
each of them earn only 0,012$ per month then you earn the 10% of 16777. 2$.

1677$ = 10% of 1398100 people x 0,012$ (0,012 = 0,0004 per 30 days = 1 month).