?Earn money online by working part time job, earn up to ?5,000 daily, 100% sure, guaranteed and confirmed. Join at: https://www.coolnaira.com/?id=dendan
Earn money online by working part time job, earn up to ?5,000 daily, 100% sure, guaranteed and confirmed. Click www.coolnaira.com, read how it works, click register to join the network, use my username "(dendan)" as sponsor. You can reach me through call or text on 08054294527 for more clarification.
Understanding Coolnaira Investment Package
Coolnaira start up with only one package which is Premium for all members. This is an affordable investment we believe anyone in Nigerian can be able to afford.
After one month of coolnaira establishment, the involvement in this business was more than expectation as we have over 200 new applicants daily. We receive so many messages and calls from members who wish to invest more and earn more commission.
We added more investment package after the system upgrade and new development with more features recently. We now have PREMIUM, DELUXE and APEX package with different investment fee respectively.
NOTE: With all packages, members earn 50% commission on level 1 and 5% commission from level 2-10 as usual.
PREMIUM member will only pay a one time fee of one thousand naira (N1,000) as investment fee and you will earn commission from a PREMIUM member who invest the same amount under you.
If anyone upgrade to higher package under you, you will only earn percentage of the package you are. For instance: If you are a premium member, if someone upgrade to deluxe or apex under you, you will only earn commission of the premium package you are which is 500.
DELUXE member will only pay a one time fee of six thousand naira (N6,000) as investment fee and you will earn commission from DELUXE member who invest the same amount under you. You will also earn commission from PREMIUM member as well .
APEX member will have power to earn commission from all packages. This means that you will only pay a one time fee of ten thousand naira (N10,000) as investment fee and you will earn commission from APEX member who invest the same amount under you. You will also earn commission from DELUXE and PREMIUM member as well.
NOTE: If your downline invest by upgrading to higher package, while you are on lower package you will earn percentage of he package you are.
The higher package you are the more commission your earn.
So you can decide which package you are capable of for a start.
.It is obvious people find it hard to make payments, like me 90% of my downlines are still Free Members ;( over a week now (who knows if they havent been blocked) due to no money to invest or lack of understanding simple English…. Note: I personally Upgraded My Account MySelf……
. Not to talk much lets get down to the steps below:
To INVEST on any package you are capable of or Upgrade your account.
(1). LOGIN to your coolnaira account, Click UPGRADE ACCOUNT.
(2) Select amount N1000, N6000 or N10,000.
(3). Upgrade via Mastercard but before that sign up at www.voguepay.com first
(voguepay is a gateway that links your account to your bank for any payments). And kindly Use “Voski” as referrer in Voguepay.com
too, even if you already have a sponsor pls this is different, atleast give credits to this tutorial by doing that. Thank You.
(4). After that, go back to your coolnaira account click upgrade, select Mastercard/Verve, then insert your card details appropriately, then a SafeToken code will be sent to your number to complete the registration.
(5). Use the code sent to you and success your payment, then wait for atmost 24hours, your account will be upgraded…
Thats all ,, not hard..
Meanwhile, you can start inviting your friends to register under you using your username as sponsor and earn 50% per
Also go to http://coolnaira .com/blog and request for a customized banner