Why Online importation business?
Importing business in Nigeria thrive on the fact that our economy is not a productive type. A lot of companies and industries that should be producing a lot of things are either dead or not efficient in their production and hence a lot of Nigerians usually depend on imported materials to enjoy themselves or to access quality products.
Another reason why importing business thrive in Nigeria is due to the fact that most made in Nigerian goods are fake and don’t usually possess the required quality compared to the same product produced outside the country.
Importation business in Nigeria has long been considered primarily to be the career of rich businessmen.
Unfortunately lots of the so called businessmen do not even use their own money to do all these businesses a lot of times. What they do primarily is to go to the banks and use their Agbada and suit to impress the bankers with collaterals and then pack all the money you and I struggled to make to finance their own importing business.
Now the internet has change how business is been done and anyone with access to the internet and the right information about how to go about it can get started in the business. The interesting part is that

  1. You do not need Millions of naira as startup capital
  2. You do not need a shop or office
  3. You do not need a license or all the obscure difficult to secure paper works.
  4. You do not need to travel to china, Dubai or USA.

What you need to get started

  1. The need analysis. This is the basis of all business. You need to do your local research to know what people around you need.
  2. Websites to contact the manufacturers. This is a part of what this guild will be revealing. How to order products from the manufacturers and negotiate like a pro, and getting your orders shipped down to your door step anywhere in Nigeria.
  3. You need access to the internet. It might not necessary be your private internet, but it’s recommended you have yours.

  1. How to sell your goods. There are several ways to sell your goods both online and offline. This guild reveals in details these marketing strategies.

Laptop computers, Notebook computers, External DVD drive,
Flash drives, IPOD, Digital Cameras, Mobile Phones, Jeans,
Shirts, Ladies bags, Shoes, Children’s Clothes,
Suit, Tablets, USB and Memory Cards,
Jewelry Set (necklaces, rings, bracelets and bangles),
Ladies make-up kits, Ladies wigs and hair extension
(human hair, synthetic, blended hair, feather hair, Brazilian hair)

For instance,

  1. A laptop computer that will normally cost N90,000 in Nigerian market can be bought from the manufacturer for as low as N20,000 or less.
  2. A tablet of N40,000 can be bought for N11,000
  3. 8GB or 16GB Flash of 3000 to 4000 Naira can be bought for N500
  4. Human hair of N20,000 can be bought for N1300, or much less depending on the quantity you are buying.
  5. Car trackers that are sold for N40,000 in Nigeria can be bought for N3000
  6. CCTV Cameras can be bought for N3000.

And the list goes on. Remember that all these prices include shipment cost.

To get the full manual of this booming online importation business, just pay a token of N3000 into the bank account shown below. You will receive the complete pack within 24hr.
First Bank
Ganiyu Balogun

The package we will send you will include:

  1. Online buying/importation manual
  2. Online transaction security tips
  3. How to sell your product Online or Offline and getting your money to your bank account all from the comfort of your room.
  4. Some other online biz freebies.

Text your name, email ID and teller number to;
234 8114948889, or 08065397978
Or [email protected]