1. First open an account with www.payza.com formerly known as Alertpay. This account is use for getting your money from the company we are working for. Nigerians are allowed so no stress.

2. Open account here http://sharecash.org/index.php?ref=1650569/ they also allow Nigeria. This is how I made my first money online and you too can start earning within few days from now. They pay you when somebody downloads a file you uploaded in their website.

3. Get free hosting at www.freehostia.com and propagate the name servers at the domain portal that is dot.

4. Get one free domain at www.dot. chose the domain name related to what you want to offer. First of all think of want people will like to download ( not allowed) I think soft wares and make money e-books work well

5. Use Microsoft word 2003/or any tool and create a simple one page file or website, name it with extension .htm or .html and upload to your hosting account under the domain name

6. Open account at www.slideshare.net and create a PowerPoint presentation of the given offer you want people to download, upload it. Use your head and create tags or use google keyword tool. Within 2 days more than 200 people will visit your site

7. Start seeing daily money into your account

Contact me at facebook if you have problems along the way I will gladly help.


people on my list have already got this, join me in my list at www.taiwopublishing..com.