What our company VEMMA has to offer is an exciting, honest, part-time, genuine home based online business.

A business that might not make $250,000 a year (part-time, with no experience, from your home, with your eyes shut), but will easily and steadily make you $2,000 and more each and every month.

A business that you will probably spend no more than 4-5 hours at per week. A business that makes profitable use of your computer. No college certification or degree certificate needed only your basic computer skills required.

A business that requires no selling, no inventory, and virtually no start up costs.

Good for Students, both in secondary school, colleges and Universities.
Graduates; employed and unemployed; Married and unmarried people and those who want to venture into personal business and become their boss.

A business promoting, the business concept of VEMMA, and sharing it to others your experience & knowledge for their Health & Creating Wealth. VEMMA -The most complete nutrition Health Drinks, Energy drinks & The World's perfect business for you.

A business your spouse can easily learn and operate. A business that people need and want, and saves them LOTS of money.

A REAL, legitimate business you can be proud to show off to your friends, and they will eagerly want to know more about. To get all the FREE details on how you can quickly and easily start earning an extra $2,000 a month from the comfort of your own home & operate more then 60 countries across the Globe, contact us at any of the following, and ask for "The Home Business".

VEMMA in Nigeria is Pre launch face, you can register now

Kindly, visit www.loveday.nigeriamlmprelaunch.com OR www.betterdays.vemma.com