I could just read your mind that as soon as you see this title, your mind would almost immediately say this yet another scam or lies perpetrated by online 419ners that make claim that is too good to be true.I would want to tell you that I'm not one of those that rip people off in order to make money or get rich quick. Below is an image or screenshot of amount I have made so far from selling e books online. It is attached to the post.If you are conversant with online retail or wholesale stores, you would know that Amazon is one of the biggest online store. You will find virtually anything in this online store.Some years back,Amazon started a programme called the Direct Publishing and later upgraded it to Kindle Direct Publishing(KDP). This is as a result of a device Amazon craeted called the Kindle. It is like an ipad. And they devise a way to market and promote Kindle by upgrading the publishing platform.How do I make money with this?Yes. You can make money by signing up as associate of Amazon right at their website-Amazon.com. The process is easy and simple. You get approved almost immediately you sign up. Becoming an associate or affiliate, you have the access to the Kindle Direct Publishing platform.This platform enables you to submit or upload ebooks in Microsoft document,PDF or HTML format to the KDP store at no cost at all.They won't charge you anything for doing that nor will you have to pay them for anything.As soon as you ebook get approved after submission, you book comes live in the store for people to see and buy.At this point, more than 20 million people come to the Amazon book store to buy ebooks. And if they buy your books,Amazon pay you 70% royalty or 30% royalty based on the kind of royalty payment you choose.You also have the chance of free promotion for 5 days for your book.If you are interested in knowing more,the process of becoming an associate,how to submit your books and much more,leave your email addresses here and i will get back to you as soon as possible.