This is to inform everyone of the opportunity for a 1 day free business/entrepreneurship meeting in the following cities in Nigeria. ABUJA,LAGOS,IBADAN,ILORIN,OSHOGBO,LOKOJA,KADUNA,MI NNA,JOS,KEFFI,ENUGU,ABA,OWERRI,AWKA,WARRI,BENIN,

It is an opportunity to create and develop an option A or B for source of income to live an expected lifestyle.

Interested persons should contact Mr OWOBI on 08181538696, 08038874763 by forwarding their contact numbers, desired location or e-mails to book for reservation as limited seat would be available strictly on invitation.
Know this and you will be happy with yourself to have attended this meeting. Hurry now while it's free for all

Closing date for entry is 25th AUG 2013 by 11.59pm

Time and Venue for respective cities would be communicated through your contacts made available to the above number

Don't miss this opportunity.