This is for those who have good glo cell reception (network) in their locality but dont have enough money to buy glo 3gb data for browsing and for those who own a glo bolt modem that cant be unlocked for the moment but need cheap browsing data. Airtel for sum mnths have been doing this and they are getin good patronage and it's stil workin. Now glo has started theirs, what's it? It's using your glo BIS plan either weekly or monthly to browse On your PC dat's 3gb(N14OO) a month 7OOmb(N4OO) a week and it's very easy to set up cos u dont nid any software to use it. At the time of publishin dis post it's active n works properly wit any model of glo modem. I use it, so i recomend it. U ll also get free ebooks wen u order for this manual, to reg,make and withdraw money from clickbank to get n fund a free US mastercard etc for N1OOO. If u're interested call fred on 08154936889.